Chapter ten: My ruined Sunday -_-'

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I woke up to a sunny morning. It was Sunday, meaning thats I would have exhausting school the next day. I just hope nobody comes to interupt my day...

"Hello!!!" Hatsumi opened my door. The bottom hinge flew off and landed on my lap. "Hatsumi!" 


Honey and Momiji appeared behind her. "Shi-chun!" they yelled.

*  ('-_-)  *

"What are you guys doing here?" I looked at them angrily while twisting the hinge inbetween my fingers. "To ruin my Sunday?"

"Exactly!" Hatsumi yelled and rushed to my bed and began to pull my arm. "Come on! We are going to my house!"

"I love how you just assume that I'm going to your house Hatsumi."

* (◞‸◟;) *


"Yeah!"     Hatsumi barely let me get dressed when she tugged me out of my house and into her neon pink limo that everyone kept staring at. "How the hell did you make it pink?" I asked, but she just tugged me into the car.  

Her room was pink and black and yellow and different shades of colors. She had anime posters and figures and mangas all around the place. Not that it was bad, but it was just so- different.   "Do you like it? Huh? Huh! Do you like it?" She asked me excitedly. "Yeah, sure..."   The four of us sat on her bed, talking about school and life, you know, normal things. I didn't know Hatsumi could act so normal or talk about things like an actual girl.   "So who do you like, like?"

I felt because she could act, like a regular girl, I could ask the question. But I completely forgot that two boys were in the room.    "Don't worry, we know." The two boys started to giggle.   "I don't wanna say it..."   "Kyoya Ootori!!!!!!!!!" They both shouted and through their hands up in the air.   I gave her a confused look. "You like him? That guy?"  

"But he's hottt!!!"    I laughed.   For the rest of the evening we talked and watched a movie and did homework. I surprislying had a better Sunday then I thought I'd have. But then, that's when my phone rang.  

"I still don't understand how you got my number."   I was speaking to Kaoru, and that was the first thing that I said. He coughed.  

"Hey, uh Shizuko, I think I'm sick." He coughed even louder.   "Well we were out in the cold. I should have gaven you your jacket backet, right?"  

"I guess..."  

"So whats the point of calling me?"  

"I just wanted you to know, okay?"   I was kind of confused.

"Do you want me to bring something over? Like some soup or something?"

"Can you? My brother has tons of homework and the maids are to busy."    

Hatsumi decided to tag along after I finished making miso in her kitchen. Honey and Momiji decided to go to the cake warehouse (<— heh warehouse).    When the door to the house opened, it was a petite woman with curly blonde hair standing infront of us.

"I'm assuming you are here to see master Kaoru" She asked. We nodded. "Very well." She led us to his room.                                                ________________________    

Fumitaka entered Ai's room. Ai was in the middle off applying her lipstick. "Hey honey." she said, looking behind her. "What's up?"

Fumitaka dropped a bucketload of blankets at the foot of her bed. "Sorry, but Emiko sent me to bring these to you. Going somewhere?" He wrapped his arms around her waist while she started adding eye liner.

"I'm going to a re-scheduled meeting." She said. She then paused, something else on her mind. "Ya know, Shizuko isn't doing to bad here. I still can't believe she was gaven any friends to begin with. Haru is one good boy."

Fumitaka smirked. "Seems like Hatsuharu was born lucky. Shizuko was lucky to be born." He said, feeling guilty saying it, but felt like he had to say anything for his love. "Right?"

Ai turned around to him. "Sounds correct." She pressed her lips against his for a quick second. 

"Before I'm late, I have to head out. Can you go get my purse?" Fumitaka nodded. "Of course darling." He dashed out of the room as fast as he could so that Ai couldn't be late, not even by a second.


At the Sohma resident-

"I heard Kaoru is sick." Tohru said, entering the dining room, were Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure were standing. "Should I bring him some soup?"

"You don't have to do that, Ms. Honda. I got a text from Hikaru that Shizuko is going to bring him some miso." Yuki said.

"Who is this Shizuko person?" Shigure said, giggling. "Will I get to meet her someday?"

"Why does it sound like your going to do something illegal Shigure?" Kyo looked at Shigure, hoping he wouldn't even meet the new friend.

"You might have her in your literature class one day" Yuki added, looking at Shigure. "I'm just hoping your awful teaching skills don't mess her up that bad as your past students..." 

"Don't be ridiculous!" Shigure shouted, excitment in his voice. "She will love me!!!!!!!"

~Sorry if this chapter was kind of lousy, I tried to get as much as I could get down tonight. Hope you enjoyed!

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