Chapter forty-seven: My dear sister, Hiromi.

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I woke up the next morning to a loud banging noise downstairs to find Hatsuharu tripping on the staircase. I ran and found him laying on the bottom.

"Good job Haru, you woke me up." I snapped with a nasty tone. 

"Whatever. You should be up by now anyway."

Then I looked at the clock that had been suspiciously hanging on the wall. (Meaning she didn't know where it came from all of a sudden, or noticed that it was ever there) It appeared to be 6. 6?


I rushed  to my bedroom and began getting dressed and doing my hair. "Why the rush?" Hatsuharu came by my door. I was late for meeting someone for brunch, and I told him just that. "And your going out fo sushi? Isn't that kinda

peculiar for brunch...?"

"Well I didn't make the arrangements." I told him before quickly putting on the jacket and rushing down the steps.

"Then who did? Do you even know this person?"

And I thought about that before opening up the door and running outside. I knew her name- but I realized I actually knew nothing about her at all. For all I could know, she could be a criminal. I didn't know her at all.

(Or do you?)


"Hello, sorry I'm late!" I rushed into the place finding Yuri sitting at one of the front seats. She looked up from her menu and looked at me with a kind smile. "Hello darling, how have you been? I hope you aren't still badly hurt from a few

days ago?"

"No, nothing at all." 

"Good." She gestured me to come sit with her, putting a menu infront of my chair. "They serve some pretty good brunchs here believe it or not." was the only thing she said before looking back at her menu, completly zoneing me out.

I looked at the menu. There was all kinds of fancy names and I didn't know what anything was. When she finally decided to look up, she saw me struggling.

"Do you want me to order you something, hon?" She asked politely. I nodded. 

A few minutes later, a waitor came and took or orders.

"Talk to me." She said, sipping some of her water. "What's up at school?"


"Or, your not comfortable because you barely know me."

"Yes.." I stuttered.

"I see. Sometimes I can be such a fool."

"What do you mean Yuri?" 

"Oh nothing. I'll explain later."

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