Chapter forty: They're getting what?! -And who's this?!

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~Alot of things are going to happen in this chapter, enjoy and also, you might wanna be prepared for surprise!~

And soon, sadly, the cruise ended. We didn't even enjoy ourselves on the other islands so much because of what happened with ARMANDO, so we all stayed at the closest beach to the ship so we could quickly get on a soon as we wanted to and wouldn't get LOST.

Also, on one of the last days, all of us just had been INNOCENTLY lounging around the pool when a gigantic helicopter came and stood above us as an army of 10-15 men came toppling down ON TOP of us asking where master Kyoya was. They panicly ran around until they found him sitting in a hot tub with Hatsumi, who had been showing off her new swimsuit, grabbed their 'master' and gave him a new pair of glasses. I don't even know how he contacted them, or their instincts just told them that something was wrong.

"I have my ways." Kyoya told us when we asked, pushing up those damn new glasses that were an exact replica of the old ones. Of course.

The day we left we were told by some employees who worked for Kyoya said that we were going to be picked up by a friend of ours. I knew right of the bat it wasn't Ai. Besides, she was probably getting ready for the new baby which should be here anyday now, and don't forget working online

Maybe it was one of Kyoya's family friends, or maybe Emiko, Hatsumi's older sister and also one of my mansion's maids. When I found Emiko running out on the dock as we left the ship, I knew I was right. Or half right. Someone else was behind her, running in a robe. I instantly knew who it was, Shigure Sohma, liturature teacher at my school, man who took in my friends Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo and also the dog of the zodiac. I assumed him and Emiko must have hit it off while we were gone.

"Hello!" Emiko waved her hands up in the air as she neared us. "Guys hi! We have news!"

And thats when it came. That heart stopping, spine quivering, hand shaking, jaw dropping thing I've heard as they drove us home in a limo they borrowed from my mansion.

*Pause for dramatic effect*




 "We are getting married!"

*I'll pause for you to do some fan girl screams..... or not, that's fine to*

Just wait

and keep waiting...


Hatsumi jumped and down in her seat. Some others looked quiet happy, others kind of motionless outside, but I was just....shocked. "And I'll be quitting my job at Shizuko's mansion to become a novelist like Shigure!"

"Congratulations..." I said, truly being happy for them, but still somewhat shocked.

"If you don't mind me asking, when is the wedding?" Kyoya asked.

"In 2 days!"

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