Chapter fifty: A birthday in WonderLand?

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Wazzap wazzap wazzap! hey im the author! pfffffttttttt you are a bag of lies thats what you are hahaha!Let me do the authors note first! TT-TT so mean to senpai!

Hai my readers, you young children of life! Thats not weird is it? Oh well. I'd leave before it gets to creepy. Anywayyyyyyyyy I'm taking a short chapter break for this little side story =^-^=.... a birthday in wonderland! And why a birthday you may ask? Why, my bestie for like life and stuff and also my co-co-author, Mia, or @Mrs_Nerdypant's (the girl who i based Noritaka off of) birthday is on Saturday so happy birthday and enjoy this chapter everyone!

{yay mizz turn! hallo! I am Angie/co-author/Hatsumi/@red_riding_wolf and this was my idea! i mean.... happy birthday bestie~~~! hehehehe....... im not suspitious B). I love you! Teresa pretty much explained why in the previous a/n so i am just here to bring you the chapter :D. Bai! Happy birthday my lovely and thank you all for reading my dear sisters story! It makes her so happy every time someone adds or votes and she may get the occational death threat to update or her face may be eaten..... there shall be SALT! HAPPY EARLY BDAY BC ITS ON SATURDAY!}

'Hey!? W-where is everyone? Sumi? Zuko? Natsu?!' Were the girl's thoughts as she opened her eyes. She placed a hand on her head and winced at the contact. She gasped.


"Hello Kitten!" Said a blonde boy who sat on a mushroom, that's not even the weirdest part....


"*sigh* princess, please don't remind me... I try to be as handsome as I can!" said the man in the CATERPILLER COSTUME.

"A-a-aaaahhh I don't have any words..... are you a real caterp-"

"PLEASE KITTEN DON'T SAY IT! TT^TT" -_-'' As you can see, 'Kitten' was getting

pissed off.

"MY NAME IS NOT- ahem.... Pleasure to meet you, I'm-"

"Alice! Kitten everyone here knows who you are!"


"Indeed! Now off you go kitten! I have things to attend to!" He said as he held up a mirror in front of his face and fluffed his hair. As the girl turned around, and awkwardly left, she overheard something not meant to be heard.

"Oh my darling Haruhi, am I handsome enough for you yet?"


The girl's journey continued until she wondered into a forest of some sort. She passed numerous trees until she got exhausted and stopped. She sat on a broken tree stump and sighed.

"Where am I? This isn't the place I know..."

"Hey you." She heard from behind her. She ignored it and continued her thoughts. This action seemed to annoy the person.

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