Chapter thirty- Shlaverhoven?

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We all stood up with our groups, facing the woods. I turned around to object, only to see sergeant what's-their-face gone. Wasn't a fan of him anyway.

"So are we just gonna stick in one big group?"  I asked, being the first one to step up. I either got nods, 'yes's', or sounds of agreement. Hatsumi stood tall in a 'heroic' pose and pointed at the sky... along with Tamaki.

"Fine idea!"

"Alright, well what do we do now?"

"Well, lets camp in the woods!" Honey said, smiling and throwing his small hands in the air, with Usa-chan in one. "Yay! It'll be FUNNNN!" 

"What are you crazy!" Hatsumi said, pulling his ear. "We'll get killed if we go in there!"

"Indeed, I don't get good waves from this place." Saki added.

All of a sudden,  we all heard a loud rustle in the bushes. Some of us jumped, some just stood motionless. "IT'S JASON THE BEAR!" Kyo yelled, grabbing hold of Noritaka, who was standing next to him. "Hey! Get off of me!" She tried to shake him off.

"No, we're Natives!" a man dressed in a robe and holding a long stick jumped out of the bushes. He said it with much enthusasium. "And this is my tribe! I am Hanz and this is Vladimer and Randolf and Augostas and this other hairy guy over here is Shirley!" He pointed to a few of the people behind him. We all deadpanned besides Momiji and Honey, who were jumping with joy.

"Hmm, Natives in Japan? What were Teresa and Ang thinking when they typed this? And what up with the names?" Tamaki asked. Hatsumi gave him a death look.

"TAMAKI YOU BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AGAIN!!!!!!!!!" Hatsumi started slapping him and pulling on his ear.

A few of the tribe girls with long black brades started giggling and blushing from behind a bush, starring at Kyoya who was carelessly sitting on a log and typing on his computer that somehow got wifi. (Who knows how, this is Kyoya were talking about here) {It's hot though} 

One of the girls walked towards him slowly, blushing. "Hello, I am Doshia Edward Shlaverhoven. I am here because of your manly attractivness." She said. "Would you like to..... like, kissinshloban (kiss) and be my like husbandshlobin (Husband), yaz?"

Kyoya just glanced at her, shook his head, and looked down at his computer.

This gave Tamaki the chance to escape Hatsumi somewhat evil clutches. She completly dropped him onto the ground. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!" she dashed over to Doshia Ed- what ever her names was, and gave her the same look she gave Tamaki. "What did you say to my almost boyfriend." a flash of lightning struck behind her.

"Before I slap you to death, leave." she whispered to her, Kyoya seemed to ignore everyone at this point... what does she see in him..? 

"Hey hey hey hey!" Hans or Randolf or whatever walked over to the two of them, mentally fighting over Kyoya, and you could tell who was winning. "Keep it up, and we won't be able to feed you like we planned."

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