Chapter forty-two: Wedding Bells.

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"So you planned the wedding?" I asked Hatsumi the most important morning of her older sisters, Emiko's, life. "Yeah." She responded. You know, I was sure that Shigure and Emiko would have planned it on their own insteed of having a 16 year old highschooler, but I guess Hatsumi just has natural control. Now I see why Kyoya loves her.

"And you have to put this on!" Hatsumi handed me a short, sleeveless aquamerine dress. "I thought the dresses would have been a flashy pink."

"Oh, that's for me and Kyoya's wedding! I already have it picked out! And Emiko prefers aqua or a blue like her hair." Oh right. I figured I'd still have to wear a

flashy pink dress to a wedding someday...

When I finished getting dressed a few minutes later, including fixing my hair in a fancy braid, like we were instructed to wear, and doing makeup, I ran downstairs to find 2 inch heels infront of the front door. They looked new, mostly because of the pricetag. They were black as well, I have no idea how they would match an aqua dress, but I slipped them on. Oh god, it hurt to walk in


"Hatsumi forgot to give thoughs to you before, so she made me run to get them from her house while you got dressed." Hatsuharu walked down the steps wearing a tux, you know, what any guy would wear for formal occasions.


"More than I've ever been." So with that, we walked to a limo waiting for us outside. I kept slipping around on the pavement due to the heels, so Haru had to literally hold me so I wouldn't fall and twist an ankle or something.


"Welcome!" Hatsumi chimed as we entered a joyfull looking garden, where the wedding would take place. There was grass everywhere, trees sorrounding the area, the hot sun blazing down at us, flowers leaving bumps on the long carpet Emiko would walk down, and a wedding arch just at the end of all the rows and rows of chairs.

"Where do you want me to go?" I asked Hatsumi, who was glad to see so many people showing up when she thought they wouldn't. Espiecally Shigure's editor,

who was still itching for a new book.

"Just wait out here with me." She said, grabbing my arm.

Hatsuharu and the guys went to sit down, jealous since they weren't nessecarily the best men, in fact, Shigure decided to choose his buddies Aya and Hatori.

And before the wedding was about to begin, I whispered over to Hatsumi, who was standing in the front of the line ready to walk down the aisle with the rose petals (She was a flower girl to? Oh boy..) "Hey, uh, does Emiko, know about the curse? Zodiac curse?"

"Of course! She was pretty surprised, but she got over it." She whispered to me quickly before leaving. I was just wondering since the answer was always unclear to me. (Yeah, because I never mentioned whether or not she did, genius) 

I waited for my turn to walk down with the rest of the girls when I turned around to see Emiko in a long beautiful white gown, standing behind us waiting for a turn to go outside.

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