Chapter thirty-seven: It happened. It totally happened.

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~~Let's zoom in a little bit on Kyoya and Hatsumi's little 'date', shall we?~~

"How do you like your frozen yogggurt?" Hatsumi said, starring at Kyoya, who was starring at his yogurt. "It's fine, thank you Hatsumi darling." (Eekkkkk he called her darling OTP OTP someone write a fan fiction now!)

"I made it myself!"

"No——-" Hatsumi then gave her most sad cat eyes she could conger up. "I mean—- this is some delightful yogurt you made."

"Thank you." She blushed and batted her eyes. He cleared his throat.

"Soooo, um, this is nice weather we are having..."

"Yeah- yeah it is." A slight breeze blew their way.



They both began to blush, which was surprising considering that 1 out of the 2 is Kyoya..

"You look good tonight..." Kyoya murmured

"Thanks, but I'm still wearing that swim suit from before."


They were silent for a few minutes.

(OMG everyone in the backround is probs chanting 'Hook up! Hook up! Hook up!')

"Do you need me to escort you back to the girls' room?"

"Yes please." Hatsumi stood up and pushed in her chair, Kyoya did the same. Kyoya, then, without hesitation, linked arms with Hatsumi. She was surprised. (I can practically hear the wedding bells!!!)

They walked threw the hallways for a few more minutes until they came across the door for the girls' room. It was clear they weren't ready to say goodbye. 



"Bye." Hatsumi turned to open the door, but then stopped. "Can we hang out for a little more—?"


"Cool." Hatsumi tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. They were holding hands and walked away from the doors, away from the rooms, were everyone was sound asleep.

"Were are we going now?" Kyoya asked as Hatsumi dragged him behind her.

(Say 'anywhere as long as your with me' SAY IT NOW! I dare you!)

"Umm, the deck? Like you said, the weather is nice, and there is a good breeze.."


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