Chapter fifteen: Hatsumi's History!

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So yes, I felt like back tracking a little bit into Hatsumi's history. I might have a problem with that...

ANYWAY I felt Hatsumi should discuss this, not with the main character, Shizuko (who was busy doing whatever at the time). But with a character that cares so much about other people, everyone put you hands together for.. Kyoya! (*hints sarcasm*) alrighty guys, well hope you enjoy!

 "It's okay." Hatsumi's mother was on the other end of the line. "I'll be sure to get here ready before 7."

Hatsumi has been living with her Aunt Choko for the past 2 years in here large, minor-high class home with her daughter Kaneko. Her mother was unstable in the head (and no, that's not what made Hatsumi so crazy) and Emiko was, of course, busy working at the Sohma Estate run by the all elegant Ai Sohma.

"Your mother wants to see you." Choko came into the room Hatsumi had been sitting in. "She says she has gotten more stable and is ready to get back on her feet."

Hatsumi wanted to see her more than anyone. "When is she coming exactly?"


 And that was to bad, because Hatsumi had been meeting with a special friend that night. "What if I won't be ready by then? I'll be with my friend at the park." Choko finally put her phone back in her purse, she was leaving right before she got the call to go pick up Kaneko from daycare and take her nightshift at work.

 "Well, be home around 7. Go early tonight. I hope your friend can make an exception." She shut the door on her way out.

 Hatsumi sighed. "I've been waiting for her to leave. Are you all right back there, Kyoya?"

 Apparently, in the free time the day before Hatsumi had, she some how forced Kyoya to spend time with her the next day due to the thought that she wouldn't be busy. She made him spend half the day in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink, waiting for Choko to leave for the nightshift then pick Kaneko on the way back.

"I would have been better." He opened the cabinet door with one hand and his laptop in the other (which Hatsumi certainly didn't know was there) "If I hadn't been stuck in the filthy cabinet and could have just come to your house like a normal human being."

"And how did I know you'd actually come?"

Kyoya pushed up his glasses and they glared. "Smart girl. Can we just get on our way now?" He reached back in the cabinet for a satchel to put his laptop in and went to the coat rack to fetch his coat that had been piled beneath a few of Hatsumi's heavy jackets just so Choko wouldn't see. "Sure." Hatsumi but her coat on too then opened the door.

"So the play, huh?" Hatsumi tried to bring up an easy topic as they walked in the rainy night. "I'm Merryweather, and your Maleficent, am I right?"

"Yeah." Kyoya said. "But I really don't care to talk about that right now-"

 "Than what?"

 "Tell me about your mother. It's not like I already don't know a lot, but it would be nice to hear it from you."

Hatsumi closed her eyes, half shocked that Kyoya brought that up as a topic. She tossed her red hair back, pushed up her glasses, (Copying Kyoya, huh?) and opened her mouth to begin.

 "It was 2 years ago, mother started to go insane after the death of my grandparents. Not just that, but my dad died in a car crash 3 years before that, so she's been through a lot, adding that Emiko got sick at the time, even though she is all better now. Mom felt different and felt for my own protection, to send me to live with my aunt Choko and cousin, who she was pregnant with at the time, Kaneko. My mother signed herself into an insane asylum (Hey, my home!) and has been there since. But now she wants to see me again, now that she is started to progress."

 Kyoya smiled. "Usually, I don't care much about things like that, for other people of course, but that's quite some story you got there." He looked at Hatsumi.

 "Should I say thanks or...?"


 "Well thanks." They smiled at one another. Then they stopped, realizing something.

 "You know, you are not as jittery or crazy as usual." Kyoya said.

 "And you are not as serious and clever as usual."

"Fair enough."

 Kyoya paused.

 "Hey, what do you mean I'm not clever?!" Kyoya almost yelled, which was something he has never really done before.

 Hatsumi paused, then laughed. "Ha, you sound ridiculous when you yell." She said finally after laughing so hard her face turned red and she began to cry.

"Your voice- you- you don't do that often- usually you are on your pineapple laptop or whatever it's called."

 Kyoya stared at her blankly, than picked up the phone from his pocket, began to dial, and putting it up to his ear and whispered to the other side so Hatsumi couldn't hear. When he put the phone back in his pocket, Hatsumi had her arms crossed and her teeth clenched together as she spoke.

 "And what was that for?" She asked.

 "Well, you were getting crazy, as usual, and your face began to get red and it

looked like you were getting sick."

 Hatsumi felt a little bit insulted "And who did you call?"

"A car to come pick you up. You still need to get ready for your mother, of course" He paused. "Oh- and I have to call to make a reservation for-" He began to dial once again.

 "You know, we just started to act like our usual selves again." Hatsumi said before Kyoya got a chance to put the phone to his ear.

 He smiled "Know let me make this call before you find out I actually called the asylum to come pick you up and toss you in one of those blank rooms for the crazy people. (<— Kyoya's joking I swear)

 "Huh, I'm so gonna kill you."

 They began to laugh.

 "No seriously, your going to die."

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