Chapter forty-one: BACK TO THE PAST! AND GIRL HOSTS?

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It was the day before the wedding but it didn't matter, we still had school.

"GOD DAMNIT TAMAKI! COULDN'T YOUR DAD GIVE US ONE DAY OFF!?" Hatsumi yelled as she chased the poor blonde male around the music room.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT! GO PULL HIS EAR FAIR MAIDEN!" Tamaki preached as he hid behind his girlfriend, who for once feared for his life because of her hyped friend. Tohru walked up to Hatsumi and placed a hand on her shoulder, you could see little hairs sticking out of Tohru's head.

"Now now Hatsumi, we know you need to plan this wedding, but can't Kyoya-"

"NO!" Hatsumi said and pulled out of her grasp and stomped with REAL anger

towards the door.

"I have to plan this wedding! She is my sister and Shigure is soon to be my brother-in-law so it's my responsibility to plan their wedding!" she stomped out of the club and we saw as Kyo ran after her, I glanced at Kyoya who's glasses glared and he broke his pen.

3rd persons P.O.V

"Ya know damn well you can't leave school. There are damn teachers all over the god damn place." Kyo huffed as he ran in front of Hatsumi. She was surprised it wasn't her Kyoya, but her and Kyo have been friends for as long as she can remember. She sniffled and looked up at the orange-headed boy.

"WELL I AM HATSUMI I AM INVINCIBLE! HAHA! FOOL!" Kyo sweatdropped as he watched the girl immediately recover, calling him a fool..... wait she called him  a fool. His eyes turned similar to a cats and cat ears grew on his head as his back arched the way a hissing cat would.


"Well excuse me!" She said as she pinched his ear, making the cat ears burn in pain. Once she let go the mood turned serious again.

"What was the whole blow up back there?" he asked her.

"I- I just think I shouldn't be so dependent on Kyoya for everything." Kyo

remembered how she was when she was younger, and smiled.


"Kyoooo!" The red headed little girl whimpered as a tall boy with braces inched towards her. Tears brimmed her eyes. A blonde girl stood near by and watched the scene play out until he was a few inches in front of her, then she interjected.

"Hey leave her alone!"

"Who the hell're ya?" He asked, spit coming from his mouth landing on the

blonde's face, she whipped it off with the back of her hand and continued yelling at the boy and Hatsumi shivered behind her. All of a sudden a flash of orange appeared and the boy was on the ground in seconds.

"Don't touch her ya little punk ya got that? The blonde too!" Little Kyo yelled and the boy ran away as soon as he gathered his strength. The blonde let out a relieved sigh and smiled, turning to face little Hatsumi. She stuck out her hand.

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