Chapter fifty-three: We have been prepared for 5 chapters...

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I knew this day would come. I just didn't know it would have to be today.

It was lunchtime. We were all sitting down, beginning our lunches will Noritaka explained how she and Natsu were now dating, which, I practically squeeled at the thought. Hatsumi was talking about the usual: Kyoya, Kyoya, and even more Kyoya, and a little bit of cats in there. That's when one of the staff came to my side and whispered in my ear.

"You are needed in the main office." She told me.

I didn't know if I done anything wrong or failed anything or whatever. Everyone watched me as I stood up and followed the woman down the halls into the office. Before I did leave, though, I got an odd look from Kaoru, who probably knew what was coming, but at the time, I had not.

I was sat down in a chair infront of the chairman's desk. He was sitting there, resting his head on his hands. He smiled at me and welcomed me. I wanted to ask why I was there, but he answered for me once the staff member shut the door.

"I have recieved an email from your mother earlier today." He announced. "An hour ago to be exact. But I didn't want to interrupt class, so that's why you are here now." He stopped, noticing me shaking and twiddling my thumbs around. On the inside, I was exploding with sadness and agriness, wondering what in the world he could say next.

"I am informed that you will be leaving with your siblings back to America soon." He cleared his throat. "But it seems you are leaving earlier than planned."

Oh no.

"It seems that after school you will be leaving."


"I suggest packing your things before you leave the school. Your mother will be waiting for you outside."


"You will leave immediately." he finished.

No. No. No. No.

He rushed me out the door, the woman from before taking me to the classroom to get my things. I was in there for some time, rumaging through books that I wanted and need, than collecting a few notes friends had passed me throughout the year.

Hi. One note said from Hatsumi in the middle of class. I remember be so mad that I could have gotten in trouble.

Bye. Another note read from Noritaka as the bell was going to ring. I remember when she handed it to me. Bye, guys. For good— I guess.

Thats when I heard the classroom door burst open. I turned around to find Kaoru, who was heavily breathing. Was he running down here?

"Kaoru....." I said, seeing a scared look in his eyes. "...what are you.." I didn't finish my sentence because he ran over to me and grabbed the arm that I was holding my bag in. It fell on the floor, everything scattering around the room.

"What do you think you are doing?!?" He asked me. He sounded like he was mad and sad at the same time. It was a hard thing to explain, but I explained to him everything.

"And...your hurting my arm..." I finished off the long story as he let go of me.

"Why.." He now sounded hurt.

"Kaoru....." He sat back onto a seat, putting his hands on his head. "I don't understand.." He muttered, then muttered some more..

Then began to cry.

"Please don't cry." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"HOW CAN I NOT!?!" He cried very loudely.

"Please, it will make me cry......." A few tears streamed down my face, knowing this might be the last time I ever see him again, the guy I love.

"Maybe you should cry.." I heard him sob. Then he muttered some more. Then the door opened, the staff lady walked in, picking up some things that flew across the room. "It's time to leave Ms. Yoshida." She said, collecting a few more things, then finally them all.

"Okay." I said. I looked away from Kaoru. My heart hurt.

Please Kaoru, don't look at me. 

He cried a little more when his head shot up. I bolted for the door. I hated this feeling of hurt. It made me wanna punch a wall.

He ran for me as I ran down the hallways, my bag in my hand. I heard him shout somethings, but I wasn't sure what. I turned a few corners, then cried even more and more and more. My tears fell to the ground, and I think he saw.

I ran for the main exit when he yelled my name. I finally turned around, seeing his face. He saw my red, disgusting, crying face. He stopped, eyes widening. I yelled.

"See! This is what you are doing to me! Please stop, It will hurt worse than it already does!!" I ran out the door, crying more than I ever had. He wasn't trying to stop me.

And I regretted it.

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