Chapter forty-eight: Hatsumi's big plan!

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Like almost every other morning for the past week, I woke up in a terrible, terrible mood. Only this one was way different, I felt the urge to collapse back in bed. I wished this all was a bad dream, and when I wake up I'll be back in my home in the US... not that I enjoyed it back there, anyway.

It was just the hurt of the loss of everyone I meet here. All the friends that couldn't be replaced. Memories, too. If I went back, I wouldn't really have much to go back too, besides the fact of actually meeting Hirorimi and Ryota- not that I already hadn't done that.

And when I got up to get dressed for school, I was in a foul mood to. My body ached and I could barely reach for the clean school uniform waiting and laying for me on the bed post. Not that I actually did anything to make my body hurt as bad as it did. When I finally grabbed the dress, I took it off the hanger and unzipped the back. I lay it back on the bed, took off the pajamas, and slipped on

the dress.

My hair looked like a reck; peices falling out of the perfect ponytail I put it in yesterday, hair sticking in all directions. Not that I wasn't used to this hair trouble. I simply yanked out the hair tie and struggled brushing it with my brush that was invented to help brush it without the pain. Liars.

So many liars.

Not to mention my face, it needed a good wash. And some makeup to, not that I usually wore any. Did I even own any? I splashed some cold water on my face, then searched through the cabnits in the bathroom, finding an almost empty lipgloss tub. I smeared what little remanded in the bottle on my lips. It was pink and glossy, and I hated it.


I walked downstairs to find my brother, in his school uniform, lounging back into his seat. No one else was down there, no maids making breakfast, nothing. It was probably their way of saying 'have a nice day! Don't let your older siblings kidnap you and take you to a different country!'

Haru grabbed the backpack on the table and tossed it over his shoulder. He tossed me mine, which had been laying on the table as well. As he walked out the door, her kept it open for me. "We are walking today." He told me when I came out. We hadn't done that in such a long time. I nodded my head as we walked in silence all the way to Ouran.

I didn't know how to explain to the Host Club or anyone else how I was going to leave soon, not that they'd actually let them take me away. But you never do know.


I sat alone and quietly at the long table as Haru explained things to everyone else for me. I didn't want to, nor did I have the courage. I saw the pain in everyone's eyes, and the confusing looks. Some looked at me, even Kaoru, how finally understood who that woman was who ran into me the other day.

He must have noticed her lieing, too.

"Don't worry about it Sho-chan!" Momiji and Honey came up to me a minute later. "We won't let anyone take you away!"

"Yeah, I noticed that.." I looked over to the next table, where Hatsumi got out a blueprint (Where does she find these things?) with everyone hunched over watching her plan out the plan to keep me in Japan. "Don't fret your little head!" Hatsumi yelled across the table. "Sumi won't let Shi go anywhere!"

"Yeah... good luck with that." I said as Honey and Momiji petted my head, Momiji keeping a slight distance because he didn't want to transform into a rabbit.

"Okay everyone, the plan's finished!" Hatsumi threw her pencil on the ground and lifted the completed blue paper in the air. "I've worked out all the details!"

"What's the plan?" Noritaka asked. I thought she already knew....

"First, we need a disguise for Shizuko! I have the perfect costume—-" She took out a large bag and held out a cat costume. (Again, where in the world does she find these things?)

"She will dress as a cat!" Hatsumi had sparkles sorrounding her. Tamaki twitched and yelled how that was his thing, but all Hatsumi did was take a moment from explaining to yank on his ear really hard. The next moment, he was in his emo corner, with Haruhi trying to calm him down by calling him senpai, which, in this case, didn't help even a tiny bit.

"We will get Haru to dress like her——" Hatsumi resumed, but was then stopped by Haru yelling a loud, room shaking "WHAT!?"

"DO YOU WANNA SAVE  YOUR SISTER OR NOT?!?!" She looked at him in the eyes and yelled in his face. He crossed his arms and muttered 'fine'. Hatsumi then turned back to her plan, the sparkles (This time, pink and red) flashing back. She threw her hands in the air.

"And when they come to pick Shizuko up, Haru will go with them!" Haru wanted to make a point again, but Hatsumi gave him the you will die misrably  look. I'm pretty sure he was done speaking for good.

"Alot of us will be watching from behind bushes and stuff. We will plant camaras everywhere, and we will be able to thanks to darling Kyoya baby!" She looked at Kyoya, who's DAMN GLASSES WHERE GLIMMERING. "We'll even have helicopters everywhere." She added.

"When you are boarding the plane, while your bags are being checked, we will get one of us to be the person doing it. We will put a knife in your bag so when it goes through the dectecor, you will get in trouble! And we'll get another one of us to come and 'arrest' you. We'll have to explain to your sister and brother that you are a wanted criminal that isn't allowed to enter the US and will have to be arrested for like, ever."

We all looked at her. I guess she was just scribbling nonsense, others watching, but not really understanding. 

I stood up. "So your plan is basically trying to make me look like a juvenile delinquent infront of my family?" I asked.

She opened her mouth to answer. "....So that's wrong?" I'm pretty sure she was

being serious.

Nevertheless, that's the only plan we had, so we would have to go with it.

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