Chapter thirteen: Do you wanna know my past?

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So I decided that in one part in this chapter, we'll go back in time a little bit and find out more on Shizuko's past and her family, espiecally her father. This chapter will be in her prespective. Enjoy!

"I don't think I know much about your past or your father or anything really." Haru said to me one day while I had been rehearsing my lines for the stupid play that my drama teacher, Mr. Sohma, or Ayame, gave to me. It was Sleeping Beauty, a play that would drastically go wrong (why the heck wouldn't it?) I was the role of Fauna.

"Oh, you really wanna know?" I looked up from my sheet. "I didn't think you were so interested in these kind of things." I sat down on my bed. "Where shall I start?"

"Well, whats his name? I know I should probably know, but I don't.."

"Ok." I took a deep breath. "His name was Orochi Yoshida. He was the second husband of Ai, our mother. First was your father, of course. But anyway, when our mother met my father, they were automatically arranged for marriage. And of course, at the time this was occurring, I assume you were......?" I asked.

"Grandmother took care of me." Hatsuharu stated. "From the time our mom and your dad met and were married to the time mom left the hospital."

"Oh. makes sense. Well, anyway, mother didn't love father, and , my father didn't love mother. My father had a different family with a different woman. Her name was Masa Maeda, who died some time after having her second child, Hiromi. Hiromi and her older brother, Ryota, were raised by him with Ai for quite some time. Ai hated them though. She sent them to live far away with my Aunt Mika."

"Do you remember anything about Hiromi and Ryota? Like, when was the last time you saw them?"

"I'm getting to that, but it's a while ahead."

"Sorry." He looked down. "Continue."

"Anyway, it was just the three of us for a little time. When I was 5 hours old, mother decided to divorce father for your dad right there and then, more for the reason of not wanting me, and wanting a son. She said she couldn't stand to live in America for another second."

"She was pregnant a few months later with my step-brother when she came back here. His name would have been Tetsuya. She planned on giving birth to him then fleeing the hospital just like she did with me (mostly reason because she wasn't exactly sure who the father was), but it was a miscarriage, and my, well actually, our brother Tetsuya died. I only found out about him was when father told me about it when I was eight." I cleared my throat. I didn't know if Haru actually knew about our younger brother Tetsuya, but I figured he must have.

"So how many step siblings do you have?"

I counted on my fingers. "4". He looked at me in shock. "You, Hiromi, Ryota, and Tetsuya."

"Woah, thats alot. Continue." He got in more comfortable position. I was surprised he wanted to know about this so badly.

"So it was just father and I. He wasn't allowed to contact Hiromi or Ryota for reasons I didn't understand considering they were no longer married. But we visited Tetsuya's grave often. Father wasn't allowed to remarry either, which he didn't plan on doing anyway. Mother still dictated his life, even from a different country. I remember father's reaction to when he got a phone call from Ai one day. I was just a little baby and shouldn't remember much, but I could still remember them shouting out loud in Japanese." I paused for a moment.

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