Chapter twenty-six: Talkin' about romance~~

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Within a few weeks of attending Ouran, Sayuri and Natsu became members of the little 'group' and hung out with us in music room 3 whenever, while Usagi joined the Dark Magic Club, which of course was ran by Nekozawa. 

"And this is one of my favorite cakes- a mixture a chocolate, strawberry, and lime!" Honey pointed out to Sayuri, who shared the passion for sweets. He seemed to grab a liking to her, but a member of a dark magic club, Reiko, was sitting behind him a staring. No one knew why she was attracted to Honey, but she just was. You could practically see her jealousy when Honey wanted to share a peice of cake with her.

"I'll try a peice Honey." She said lifting her fork up and stuffing a peice into her mouth. She hated sweets and swallowed it regretfully. "Hm, it's very delicious!" She faked a smile.

"She must be trying really hard to get his attention." I whispered to Hatsuharu, who was sitting across from me on the other side of the table. He nodded.

"No one knows how they met. Only they do." We glanced back over to them. "But, I have to admit, it is kind of cute. I bet how they met is just as adorable."

"Of COURSE it is!" out of no where, a puff of red popped into the air next to the table. Out came Hatsumi linking arms with Kyoya. (Shocker!) {Hey! ~Wolfie}

"Renge and I will be working on an exlusive magazine featuring Honey-Senpai Momiji, Reiko, and Sayuri and this so called 'love square'." Hatsumi pointed her finger in my face. "And you will be the first to edit and read it."

I pushed her finger down. "And why, out of all people, are you working with Renge on this project?" I asked, Hatsumi made a puzzled face and thought for a long minute.

"I could use the extra money!" she shrugged  (  <— and there's Kyoya's girl!)

(cue deadpanned)

"Alright, but why do I have to be the one to edit and read it first?" 

"Because your one of my Bestie Best Friends for like Life and Afterlife!"

"Okay, whats the real reason?"

"I saw you first!"     {Hey! That's how i get people to do things for me! Don't judge you reader-chan you! ~Wolfie}

Hatsumi smiled while the rest of us slammed out hands to our foreheads. She could possibly be more messed up then Renge. (And of course, this is true)

"Fine, but don't make it to weird." Hatsumi nodded and out of no where, again, a puff of smoke flashed in then the next thing, they were both gone.

Honey and the girls just noticed for all the way on the other side of the table eating cake. "What was that puff of smoke?' He asked threw a mouthful of lime filling. "Nothing." I responded, cleaning up my lunch tray and throwing out my leftovers.

"So, hows the conversation over here working, I sat at their table after cleaning up my food. "Whatcha talking about?'

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