Chapter twenty-four:The chapter I decide to name chapters-

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Hatsuharu and I speedly drove to the school for the Ouran High school annual halloween party. Since we were the richest, most intelligent school around, it was decided that we would have a party each year. (Not that half of the people deserve it...)

Haru's bulky cow costume prevented him from getting out of the car. I laughed.

"Maybe you should have just stuck with a normal costume or something." I said while trying to balance my pikachu ears perfectly on my head. 

"I wouldn't be speaking if I were you yellow and red face." He said pointing out my face make-up and my costume. "And besides, its not my fault. Hatsumi forced all of us members of the zodiac to wear the costumes of the animals we represent." He then mumbled: "And there was also an intense game of iny meanie miny mo." ( <— Pretty plz with a cherry on top say that thats how

that elimination game is spelled.)

I laughed again. "Come on, lets just go."

He finally managed to squeezed his way out of the car. "I can't breath." He panted. "Oh, and remind me that theres someone I would like you to meet." I nodded, smiled, and ran off into the school before my costume would fall apart before anyone saw it. ESPIECALLY before she, the shadow fricking queen of all

queens, sees. (u know who shes talking about..)

When I walk in, I notice everything is the exact same set up as how the after party from the play was set up. The table that all of my friends once sat at on that night was now hogged by a table of girls dressed as nerds and geeks and that occasional guy running around in the backround with a panda suit. And that occasional girl in a boar costume chasing a boy in a cat costume yelling her love for him and that she needs to dance with him.

All of my friends were scattered across the room. I couldn't locate any of them, I

even noticed Haru left me. I mean, I couldn't even find Hatsumi. That was until I heard my named being called from all the way across the room. Thats when everyone stopped talking, even the music stopped playing. That's how loud it was.

Everyone turned to look at a short, red-haired girl with glasses and wearing a swan princess costume, linking arms with a black-haired boy with glasses and a swan prince costume. "Hey Shi-chan!" I knew it was automatically; Hatsumi and Kyoya. She jumped up and waved her hand up in the air. "Over here SSSHHHHIIIII-CCCCHHHAAANNNNN!"

(and cue deadpanned..)

I walked over to Hatsumi. When I did, everyone started mingling again and the music continued to, again, make me go deaf. "Aren't we the cutest!" Hatsumi twirled, allowing her dress to flow.

"Though I prefered the fairy princess and prince costume, I LOVE this!" She smiled in a way that reminded everyone somewhat of Tamaki.

What does Hatsumi got that makes Kyoya so attracted to her...?

"That's a good question." Kyoya pushed up his glasses with his index finger.

"Maybe I will answer that one day."

Can he read my mind?!

He grinned and replied with his eyes, peeking from behind the glare from his glasses a 'yes.' Alrighty then...

"Anyway..." Hatsumi said, making a confused face at us. She then straightened her back and threw her hand up in the air. "I'm gonna go digest some cookies

and cake and other junk foods on the food table while Kyoya calculates how long I have left until I get sick or die of a heart attack!" Hatsumi's face was filled with joy, though I didn't know why. "Tutaloo~!" She flipped her hair back and zoomed away, with Kyoya lifelessly being dragged behind her. 

God I hope she's joking.

I feel a tap on my arm to find Tohru, Arisa, Saki, Noritaka, and Kagura standing behind me, with the dressed in brown Haruhi and the dressed in purple Tamaki (PP&J costumes must really suck..) behind them. I wave and smile. "Whats up you guys?" They smile back. I notice their costumes.

Tohru is dressed in a long white dress and wings, so I'm assuming she's an angel. Saki was wearing a dark dress and black wings, so she must have been the devil or demon or whatever. It wasn't clear what Arisa was, all she had on was a normal tee and leather pants and a leather jacket. i couldn't tell whether that was a costume or not, because it suited her.

Noritaka, of course, was a hotdog, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit. And it seemed like Kagura had finally given up chasing Kyo when he huddled alone in the corner.

"Everyone is dancing, wanna come with us?" I reply with a nod and we all make our way to the dance floor.

I dance for five minutes when Haru introduces me to Rin, his girlfriend, who I learned was the horse of the zodiac (hint horse costume.) We talked for a little bit then when a slow song played and everyone paired up with someone. I was alone once again.

If I remember correctly, didn't Noritaka like him or was she just saying that?

It didn't matter anyway.

I was in he center of the room lost, while everyone danced. Hatsuharu with Rin, Kyoya with Hatsumi, Noritaka with some guy who I didn't recognize, Yuki with a girl I didn't recogonize as well, Tohru with Kyo, Saki with Mori (hmm he must got some pretty good waves.) Arisa with Hikaru (wth..?) , Kagura desperatly dancing with a guy she put an orange wig on, Momiji and Honey slowly performing the funcky chicken while some weird gothic girl stared at Honey, Haruhi and Tamaki, Renge and some tall dude that looked like Kyoya....

But who was missing?

I didn't know why, but I could sense someone was behind me. I turn around, where Kaoru was sticking out his hand. "Care to dance?' I blush and take his hand.

We dance until the party ends with another slow song.

"Nice dancing with you." Kaoru blushes, and I nod. "See you later?" I ask. He says yes and we are dismissed by Aya who starts twirling around the stage thanking the staff for helping 

(Actually, it was only Shigure and Hatori, Hatori by will, that helped, but whatever.) 

Aya was reading from a 5 page script he neatly typed out with his non-existent writing skills when Hatsumi threated to get on the stage and stab him with a knife until he died unless he didn't stop. "And I don't wanna get any blood on my dress either!"

So that must be the reason why the shadow king enjoys her company so much...

And after that, we all leave on a bad note thinking that Hatsumi was going to murder us all while Kyoya watched, evily grinning.

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