Chapter fifty-one: Beware of the endurance run!

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So I changed the cover for Change......ha see what i did there.

What? So your not laughing?

Shut up...

Now let's set the scene with a somewhat sunny afternoon, still Noritaka's birthday, though the party was cancelled, everyone was sitting around Music room three, after the last guest came to visit a now very tired Honey and Mori. Nothing peculiar, LIKE HATSUMI THROWING A FORK ACROSS THE ROOM, was going on. How she would find a fork, we will never know. But all we need to know is that she always has a weapon with her.

And another thing we don't need to know is that someone did something wrong to make her upset. No specifics. Done. I will finish this off saying that a few minutes later, her and Kyoya were probably plotting our deaths in his forbidden notebook.

We shall proceed in the rest of the chapter.

And so, later that day, it was announced that everyone would have to run the endurance run, one of the most tragic things a student is supposed to do. Not to mention the snobby rich kids complaining that they would have to actually run. The chairman decided this year would be a good time to test it out and see how the kids would 'like' it. But around music room 3, people were throwing their fists up in the air demanding how foolish this would be.

"I feel like this would be a fantastic opportunity to try some commoner things!" Tamaki said, breaking the silence. Everyone looked at him like 'what the fuck is he talking about?' And this was around the time Hatsumi would grab his ear and

give it a violent pull.

And then she did, making him squeal a Tamaki like squeal. "LET ME GOOOOO!!!!!!"

When she finally realised his poor, now red ear, she crossed her arms. "Endurance runs are the worst! The Shadow Queen will not be permitted to run under any circumstances! Queens do not sweat! I shall not be sweaty for Kyoya darling!" 

"Who ever said you were the shadow queen?" I asked, because I knew that Hatsumi wouldn't tug my ear, though she would if it had been anybody else.

"Because he is the shadow king, as the guests call him, which makes me his queen!" Hatsumi said happily, throughing her hands unto the air. "But I thought that had been obvious!"

So when the time came around for the endurance run, Hatsumi wasn't found anywhere in the locker room. In fact, I thought was to highclass for a locker room. But I guess it was just installed, because everyone was looking around everywhere confused. It had been a simple room, nothing fancy that anyone would expect. In the lockers, we were left a white tee shirt and black shorts, some hair ties and headbands, if need. There were also white socks and sneakers, which hadn't smelled as brand new as hoped.

"How dare they expect us to stay in such gross conditions!" Some of the other girls, including Renge, screeched as they stepped on some fat coachroches wandering around the room. They rest of us girls, meaning Noritaka, Haruhi Tohru, Arisa, Saki, Sayuri, Kagura, and I were standing in the room quietly, changing.

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