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So yes, I do realize I've sent some of you (not all) links and posted the link on my profile, but I'm not sure if your all aware of it. I'm ending book 1 of Change.... there will be more I swear on the holy unicorn!

Anyway, if you haven't recieved a notice or just don't know about it, if you want to, please click on this link:http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/6U1ofqq9R3opJBp/web if it doesn't work, go to my profile and click the link from there :) thanks and have a nice day!

Oh, and sorry this isn't an actual chapter.... 

(edit note: i'm not gonna update until more people vote, it's a tie right now)

[COMPLETED] Change - Book 1[Fruits basket and OHSHC fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now