Chapter twelve: A Play?

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"Good morning class!!!!" Ayame, my drama teacher, came into the room. "Today we will be casting roles for a play I want to start!"

Tamaki stood up from his chair and threw his hands up in the air. "Yay! A play! I call lead!" Haruhi and I both looked at eachother. "Your still with this guy...?" I whispered to Haruhi.

"I know right.." She whispered back.

"Anyway, this years play will be Sleeping Beauty. I have casted some roles for this class, and some roles from other classes. I have the list here!" He waved it in his hands. "You may read it of while I go get a coffee. TaTa!"

I swear the teachers here...

Everyone dashed to look at the list of roles. I finally worked my way through to see the list, most people stood there in shock.

I read the list, and OMG was it messed up:

Auroura/Briar rose/Sleeping Beauty: Tamaki Souh

Phillip/Prince: Haruhi Fujioka

Flora: Noritaka Kono

Fauna: Shizuko Yoshida

Merryweather: Hatsumi Yamamoto

Malificent: Kyoya Ootori

Crow: Saki Hanajima

Queen: Tohru Honda

King: Yuki Sohma

Little devil things that work for Malificent that try to stop Phillip from rescuing Auroura: Kyo Sohma, Hikaru and Koaru Hiitachan

Forest animals: 

-bunnies: Honey, Momiji

-owl: Mori

-birds: Arisa Uotani,  Kagura Sohma

-squirrel: Hastuharu Sohma

Narrator: Renge whats-her-last-name!

My mouth literally dropped after I read the list.

"So Tamaki is Briar Rose and Haruhi is Phillip?" Kyo dropped dead (not literally) laughing during lunch. "God this is gotta be good! To bad I have a part though..."

"And we didn't even get a part!" Renge stomped.

"Yes you did..."

"Not a good one!"

"At least your not a damn fairy with damn wings." Hatsumi began to pull the ribbon in Renge's hair. "How do you like that?"

"Ow! Stopp!!!!!"

Hatsumi continued to yank on Renge's ribbon, hurting the heck out of her. She began to yell and scream in the backround as we all started to block them out.

"So she finally found another victom, heh?" Honey shoved a forkfull of cake into his mouth. "At least Momiji and I ears aren't bleeding for once."

Kyoya checked the list one more time and smiled. "Heh, Aya's smarter then I thought. He gave me the role that suits me the best." He continued to type whatever the heck Kyoya type's on his computer.

"Oh! We need to start rehearsing lines and get costumes!" Tamaki yelled.He kept blabbering.

Hatsumi continued to hurt Renge. I though I saw a drip of blood coming down Renge's scalp.

Kyoya continued to type on his laptop.

And the conversation continued.

Man, I was getting a major headache.


"So, I here your in a play." Ai said when I walked through the door with the twins, who offered to walk me home from school again. "Haru came home, early and told me all about it. He said he was one of the animals and you were Fauna?" I nodded.

"Looks like another thing I won't be able to attend to." Se put on her glasses and walked into the kitchen.

So I see mother still hates me...

I put my jacket on the coat rack. "You know you guys can go now, there's probably a car waiting outside for you right now." They looked at me. Kauro began "Sure, but is your head feeling any better?" I put my head over my forehead, feeling pain surging through it.

"Yeah." I responded. "I'm just fine."

"Cool." They said at the same time, walking under the door frame. "See you later, alligator." They lifted up there hoods and walked in the rain, which came out randomly yet again for the, like, 10th time in a row.

I ran up to my room with my script in hand. I really didn't care for the play, or ever want to participate in it, but of course since I'm a 'lucky girl' who gets a chance, I don't see why not.

"No no no Merryweather!" I rescited for the 7th time, trying to make it sound perfect without clearing my throat once or twice. "The dress has to be pink!" I waved my hand in the air, pretending I had a wand in my hand. How I despised the color pink. Pink. 

"I see your starting practice early." Haru opened the door. "Can I practice with you?"

"Fine, but all you really need to do is squeek."

"Sounds good." He bent down and began to squeek really low squeeks, almost like a whisper.



"Shut up up there, will ya?" Ai hollered from all the way down stairs.

We both fell down, laughing.

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