Chapter fourteen: Rehearsel

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School seemed to zoom by early the next Friday morning. It was a rainy day, a good day to stay inside for rehearsel. Aya cleared up the gymnasium and made sure everyone was inside.

"Where is my Aurora?" Aya waved his hand up in the air while we tried on our costumes.

Tamaki came out of the small locker room outside of the gym and ran carefully in his tight glass slippers and pink, sparkly, dress. "Right here!" He called, adjusting the blonde extentions while Haruhi followed behind, wearing armor.

"Coudn't I be Aurora and couldn't he be Phillip?" Haruhi moved umcomfortably in her suit.

Aya just ignored her, pumped a fist in the air and shouted "Its time for practice!"

I barely got around the place in my tight red dress and gigantic hat with ribbons and shit on it. Not to mention the stubborn gingers; the twins and Kyo; having to put on black suits (including tights hehe) with black makeup blotched on there face with fake pig noises. Kyo complained and had to be sent to detention for the 3rd time of the day for disrupting the rehearsel several times. I wish I could just have gotten out of here.

When Renge finished the play off with 'and so they lived happily ever after blah blah blah' we all dodged to the locker rooms to change into comfortable clothes. Noritaka, Hatsumi, and I might have been triping over eachothers dresses and all, (Yeah..yeah) but we finally made it in.

"That was bad.." Kauro said as I took my book bag off of the gym floor so we could leave after school. Sometimes I wondered if he just wanted to find a way to get to talk to me.

"Yeah, the costumes were a bit over the top." We walked nearly out when we heard this from Aya, who called to everyone as they left:

"And don't forget, the school will be having a little dance or party or whatever after the play for a celebration!!" I stopped in my tracks.

So did everyone else, looking at eachother.

"And where prett-ay clothes!"

We silently screamed.


Hatsumi tied up her hair in two pig tails and flipped her hair back in fourth "I'm feeling it now mister Krabs!" I don't know whether she watched to much Spongebob or she had one to many juice boxes.

I regret throwing a sleep-over when I knew Hatsuharu would still be in the house. Actually, I regret throwing a sleepover at all. Hatsumi was a loud as hell and Noritaka was as loud as fuck. Not to mention the rest where tieing there hair and painting nails, discluding Haruhi who was taste testing (Yeah, right) the cookies Emiko gladly made them. (And also decided to join in on the party to, running the nail polish 'stand') 

"So, like, who do you have a crush on?" All of us sat in a circle, including Emiko, who was now shoving cookies in her mouth.

"Kyoya!!!!" Hatsumi stood up and began dancing. "He's the awesomest evil king guy dude whatever its called ever!"

We all stared.

"Just saying..."

"Anyway, your turn." Emiko pointed her sharp nail at Noritaka, who began to cry.


Wow. Emiko and Hatsumi really are sisters.


She whinned, throw her hands up in the air and shouted my brother's name

"Hatsuharu okay!" 

"You rang..?" Haru opened the door, like he had been there the whole time. Noritaka blushed then began to cry again. "No! Why! Why am I here?" (thats a good point Noritaka, It was smart planning a party right after rehearsel for the play!)

I slammed the door so she couldn't be embarrased any more. "Next!"

Everyone answered with a 'meh' or a 'merp' or something signaling 'I don't like anyone get the fuck away from me.' besides Haruhi who said her boyfriend. (Oh, no shit sherlock!)

"So, what about you?" The evil in Emiko's eyes began to glitter.

"Well, I only got here a month ago, I really don't know anyone that well.."

"Okay well, who do you think is cool?"

I though for a moment. My brother was cool, but not like in a 'like' way (ew fuck no) even though I did hang with him the most. Then I thought of who I hanged with second most, which were obviously Hikaru and Kaoru, mostly because they somehow found my cell phone number, though I don't remmember having a phone...

"The twins." I responded.

"Oh, which one?" They wall smiled.

"Wait, theres a difference?!?"

They rolled there eyes at me and pressured me even more. I knew what I was going to say, though it wouldn't come out. I didn't speak, even though it was at the tip of my tongue.

"Don't worry, we'll get it out of her one day." Emiko elbowed Hatsumi then stood up. "You guys should be getting to be already."

We all listened, exhausted.

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