Chapter four: An explanation!

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The girls slammed the door open into the house. I could of sworn one of the hinges broke off. But the door looked just fine, so I guess when Hatsumi slammed her body against the door, eager to get in, she didn't do as much damage as I thought she would. She must have been lighter than I thought.

Hatsumi spun around the room. "What a wonderful place you got here!" She smiled. Everyone else did to, except Haruhi, who thought that they were intruding on my privacy (finally someone with common sense) and Saki, who never really smiled no matter what her reaction is. And Hatsuharu, who barely liked anyone in the house besides me, being his step sister, and Ai, which I can't comprehend why.

I didn't want the girls breaking anything worth value in the study or in the sitting room, since they were so..out-there... and I couldn't afford to be in trouble, so I showed them my room that was a day old. Hatsumi screamed once she got in. "It's so big." and Arisa couldn't help but sneak in a "that's what she said," leaving Hatsumi awkwardly staring at her intimadatingly. "So..." I said to the girls as they sat on my bed as Haru and I stood up. I signaled for him to leave, and so he did, running out of the room extremly fast. He obviously wanted to get out. The girls seemed nice, but a little awkward (* cough, cough, or maybe that's just Hatsumi *)

"Can we have some tea or something?" Kagura asked. "I'm parched."

"Yeah, I guess I could call the maid and have her get us some tea." I said, opening the door and waving my hand to Emiko, who stood bringing out Ai's laundry down the hall. She dashed right away to my door as I told her that the girls wanted tea.

Hatsumi screamed. "I didn't know my sister worked for you!!!" she looked closely at Emiko's facing, scarying her a little bit. Emiko smiled oddly, being 'excited' (yeah, right) to see her sister making friends with the woman she worked for daughter. "Hi Hatsumi, pleasure to see you again." formally greeting her sister, like she was the queen of England or something. Maybe because everyine around her was so wealthy, they had to act fancy or mature (Hatsumi isn't fancy or mature even if she tried) I didn't have to act like this back in the U.S.,  formal greetings like 'pleasure to meet you' or 'how do you do' would sound weird. And since I really wasn't all that wealthy, I didn't have to worry about always looking my best and such.

After the girls sipped there tea, they began to talk about school and braiding each other's hair and asking me personal questions I didn't feel comfortable telling.

"So, Ms. Sohma is your mother?"

I answered hesitantly. "Yeah, but I never really met her until yesterday. You see, she kind of abandoned me at birth, so it was kind of just me and my father. He raised me until his death recently, so I had to move here, where I met Hatsuharu, my stepbrother, who I never knew existed..."

"How'd you daddy die?" Tohru asked.

I gulped.

"Well, uh, he was a, sick. Very. His lungs weren't right. He wasn't a smoker, he just had very weak lungs."

"Oh." Tohru looked sadly at me. "If it makes you feel better, both my parents are dead, and I have to live with some kids out our school, who I hope to introduce you to. And sometimes Kagura hangs there to, oh, and Arisa and uh Saki! Mostly. And- uh- Haruhi's mom is dead, so don't feel like your the only one." Tohru said to me, hoping I'd be inspired by her words. It was slightly rude for Tohru to bring up Haruhi's mom considering its not really her business, but Haruhi didn't seem to mind.

I shook my head, wanting to change the topic. 

"So, uh, school! Whats Ouran like?"

It was now time for Noritaka to talk, because she opened her mouth widely. "Its great! No one really there learns much, everyone thinks school is a joke! Hah! Us rich people, but anyway, its really fun, and most of the teachers are lazy anyways, so our grades are somewhere between C's and A's. So no one fails!"

Noritaka didn't have much left to say because at that instant, Haru walked throw the door.

"Um, ladies, there are cookies downstairs. Girls, if you want, you can go grab some."

The girls screamed in joy.

"Besides you, Kagura. Oh, and you Tohru."

He pulled my arm as the girls stood there. The four of us just stood in the circle.

"So, remember the zodiac curse I told you about?"


"Well, Kagura is part of it too. She is the boar, so whenever a guy that isn't part of the zodiac curse hugs her, she will become a boar." He paused. "Tohru isn't, but she's the only other normal being that knows our secret." The girls shook there heads. "But remember, you must keep this a secret no matter what."

After being serious and all, Haru smiled (I bet that hurt..) "So who wants some cookies?"

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