Chapter thirty-one - The odd burrito essay..

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"Finally we are back!" Hatsumi said, relaxing and putting her feet on the table of music room 3, were we decided we would stay with the host club until class started. "I don't even care that you could practically see up my dress! Breath legs! Breath!!!"

I looked over to Tamaki and Haruhi, who had been entertaining some blonde girls. No one besides us now that Haruhi is actually a girl, or even dating Tamaki, so it was hard for him not to get all cute with her. Apparently, the girls requested them at the same time, probally for inspration for a fan-fiction that wierd nerd girls write now a days. ( TT-TT I AM ONLY A HUMAN BEING!)

I looked over to Honey, who was sweetly eating cake while Mori stood silently behind him. They didn't have any visitors at the moment, so he invited over Reiko from the Dark Magic Club (You know, Reiko his kinda stalker) and Sayuri, who liked cake almost as much as he did.

There were the twins, who were just acting cute infront of some odd girls that for some reason dig it when they are practically up against eachother. I hope they know they ain't never getting any of that.

Of course then there had been Kyoya, who never entertained, but sat there on his laptop while Hatsumi hovered over him trying to see what he was doing.

"Hey, Kaoru, I wonder when those two love birds over there will start dating!' Hikaru said loudely to Kaoru, who snickered that snicker that I occasionally see whenever he's with me. "Yeah. I wonder that to!"

"Shut up Hikaru! And Kaoru- I wouldn't be speaking! It's sad that you haven't even asked Shizuko out yet, let alone kissed her!" She yelled from across the room, and laughed proudly. (Oh snap boi, you just got owned!)

I blushed. 

How many times do I do that in a day? 1- maybe 2? 3?

"It's said that Kyoya—uh—that he hasn't kissed you yet!" Kaoru yelled back.

"I allow my honey boo boo to take his time." She said, rubbing Kyoya's shoulder in the process.

He rolled his eyes and whispered 'whatever', they then continued their entertaining.


"Okay!" Shigure said, passing back our written papers that we did while on the trip. "I graded all your papers, and the best one gets to be in my next book. Yay!" He silently cheered. I fucking knew he was only using us because he couldn't think of a new story for his chapter.

But oh well, I put in all my effort, checked it by having Hatsuharu reading it to me, and reading many books to see how well they are worded and to make mine just as good. I was for sure going to get it in the book.

"And the winner is......." *cue dramatic pause*

"That sweaty fat kid in the back!"


He pointed all the way to the back. "He may have wrote his essay on a  burrito, but nevertheless, it was very good, and I happened to put in my new book, and my publisher liked it!"

Yeah, he probally just liked the burrito...

"Yes!" The sweaty burrito kid threw his hands up in the air. "I finally get to leave this damn place you call a classroom! See you suckers!" He ran out into the hallway and nearly tripped. We all starred blankly for 5 seconds. That's when I realized that I would have to spend the rest of my literature course in Shigure's class. Hurray...


I walked home by myself today, mainly because Hatsuharu had somewhere to go with Rin after school. I told the twins that I could walk home alone today, while being mentally stabbed with the disappointment in Kaoru's eyes.

But something I basically had to put up with at home was Ai, who stomach was large by now, and a clumsy Emiko, otherwise known as the maid and Hatsumi's older sister, making a mess out of the house as usual. Why hadn't mother fired her yet? I wonder..

"This Shigure guy sounds pretty odd... may I meet him sometime?" asked Emiko while she poured me a cup of tea after I finished studying that night. I told her all about the burrito easy and liturature class. I guess she would be interested, since she really wants to be a novelist.

"I don't see why not." I actually did, but I didn't want to be rude. "Want me to give him a call? Arrange a time you two can meet and discuss, what, books?"

"Sure!" Emiko said, nearly dropping the cup that already had enough abuse from her in the past. I assume she hasn't talked to a man her age in a long time.

"Yeah, uh, I'll call Tohru and see if she could if you two could get together tommorow."

"Wait!" She said, starting to sound ethusiastic. "What should I wear? Should I leave my hair up or down?" I blinked a few times and processed what she just said.

"It'll just be at a coffee shop or something. Nothing fancy." I explained.

"Oh alright. Make sure to give her a call before you go to sleep tonight!"

"I will."

And I made sure I did. And I also called Hatsumi to tell her about it- bad mistake. Apparently now she is going to have all of us go stalk the 'date' and make sure everything goes smoothly. It's now part of her agenda of  'A bunch of things to get involved in and practically ruin!'

"Make sure to wear black!"


I wonder how many other things she's gonna get involved in and possibly ruin...

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