Chapter twenty-two: Costumes

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"It's almost Halloween!" Hatsumi shouted when I opened my door. When she got here, I didn't know. All I know is that she jumped all over the hallway, all over my room, and grabbed a small catalogue from her back pocket and threw it on my bed. As she began to spin, I took the catalogue from on my bed.

"And is this supposed to help us decide what halloween costume we are supposed to have this year?" I asked. I tossed it aside. "Don't you think your a little to old to be dressing up?"

The lights seemed to go out. Hatsumi stopped, horror-struck. She slowly turned around to me, and said in the creepiest voice "What did you say?"

I was scared. "N-nothing! I'll just get the catalogue and we can decide right away!" I grabbed it and Hatsumi began to jump up again. 


We lay on my bed, flipping the catalogue. I was sitting there bored, will Hatsumi

laid there rocking her legs back and fourth, resting her head on her hands, and making a happy-cat face. She pointed to a ton of costumes until she came to the one she really wanted to be.

"Oh! Oh! I wanna be a fairy princess!" I looked at her shocked. "A..what?"

Hatsumi was 16 years old, and she wanted to be a fairy? Well, this is Hatsumi we are talking about here..

She pointed to a icy blue dress with white stockings and mary-janes. She also pointed to a glowing wand. "Yes! A fairy princess! Emiko wouldn't let me be it last year! She said I had to be a pig while she was the farmer." She hunched over. "So, please!"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't control who you wanna be for Halloween" (*coughs* yeah but you wanna)


She looked intensly back at the magazine with her scary red eyes. "Who will Shi-chan be?" She flipped threw the pages and closed her eyes. "Which ever one I randomly choose is the costume you will have to wear, 'kay Shizuko?" She flipped the pages back and fourth.

"Fine, I don't really care." I rolled on my back and took the pillow behind me and pressed it up against my face. "But hurry up."

I heard the pages flip back and fourth a few times, and Hatsumi finally stopped on one page. I heard her finger being slammed on the page pointing to a costume .

She opened her eyes and gasped.

"What is is?" I roled back on my stomach to see what she had been pointing at, and I was shocked by the result.

"I..I have to be Pikachu..?" She apparently landed on the page with the pokemon costumes. She looked at me with a grin. "It will be so cute!!" She screamed and shoved her face into the magazine.

"But I will have to smear yellow makeup all over my face!" I didn't have a problem with pikachu himself, just the fact that I had to wear pounds of makeup.

"It could be worse." Hatsumi stood up and put the catalogue back in her back pocket.

"What do you mean?"

"I did the same thing with Noritaka!"

Oh no.

"And what does she have to be...?"

It looked like Hatsumi was about to die laughing. She opened her mouth.

"A hotdog!"

"And wait- did you have to do the random picking for her- like you did to me?"

"Yep!" She put her thumbs up in the air, then grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. "Come on! We gotta order these costumes online before they are out of stock!"

(Srry guys this chapter was ultra short!)

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