Chapter eight: Ditching

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"Ai." Ai's client, Benjirou, called from the a block away, trying to get his boss's attention. "Ai!"

Ai turned around to find Benjirou out of breath behind her. "What is Benjirou?" She asked sturnly, as if she was to busy and had no time for this. "I don't have all day."

Benjirou finally huffed for the last time. "We need you back in the office bright and early tommorow morning. We have some ergent things to attend to."

"Alright." Ai said and turned away and left.

When Ai got home, she called survice from her maid and butlers. "Hand me the phone." She told Fumitaka, the butler she fancied (really fancied) the most. "My father wanted to call me earlier today."

Mr. Hayato Yoshida was a well dressed, well payed, well groomed old man for his age. Ai called him for almost all of her desicions. She never arranged a single marriage or single divorce without his word. She dialed his number quickly before having to finish her latest design.

"Hello father." She stood up, looking at the sunset out of her office window. "And how are things?"

Her father remained silent for a few moments then spoke very softly, but Ai could understand everyone word he was saying. She was listening quietly at every word he said until he said something unbelievable and her eyes widened, her mouth dropped. "Alright father." She spoke silently on the phone so Fumitaka couldn't hear. "I will meet Ikuya-son in few days time." still in shock, she hung up.

"Is something the matter?" Fumitaka asked.

She looked at him with a sad glance. "My husband, is... dead." A tear rolled down her cheek as she remembered the handsome, rich, but generously-'evil' man who took up her third marriage. "He died last night from a heart attack..."

Fumitaka remained silent for a few moments like Ai's father had. He should feel sad for her, he should comfort her, but all he could think about was his feelings towards Ai and how he really wanted to be with her and how he wished her husband dead, and how he now was. The feeling wasn't as good as he imagined. "I'm sorry Ai." He said, hoping she wouldn't have been so upset as she was (I bet your surprised..) "If you need anything, and I mean anything, just come to me." He added. She nodded.

"And has your father arranged another marriage for you?' He asked quietly.

"Yes, a man I know from college. His name is Ikuya Sanu, an ex-boyfriend, actually." She sighed.

"Okay mam." He said sadly, thinking this was the perfect chance to win her heart, which it clearly wasn't. "I'm sorry, I must be on my way."

He turned around to finish whatever needed to be tended to when Ai grabbed his shoulder and asked him to wait. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks, but less this time. Though she just realized the love she actually had towards he husband, she had been waiting for a moment like this so she can be with Fumitaka, and she let him couldn't get away.

"Do you mind staying with me for a few minutes, Fumitaka?" She asked him. He smiled and agreed, grabbing her hand from his shoulder and resting her on her chair. He sat on the chair's arm and looked at Ai, who's face had been red.

"I didn't know you had, uh, such a big heart, Ai." He paused as she sat up. "You never showed so much emotion towards anyone."  She began to rub her eyes. "I know that, Fumitaka. I'm just as surprised as you are." She looked up at him. 

He really never seen her so said towards anyone, not even her own children.

"I think it's the guilt, Fumi." She said, standing up, unbalanced. "I am selfish." 

Fumitaka had no idea what Ai had been talking about. Her? Be guilty? About what? "I'm afraid I don't understand Ai."

Her eyes began to look just as red as they had before. She rested her hand on his cheek. "I was praying something would happen to him. I never did nor ever will love a man of such genorosity. He barely devotes himself to me, me! I wanted him to divorce me, I wanted to be with someone who loves me, who I truly love."

"And who might that be?"

Ai quickly neared her face towards his. Her grey eye's stared into his green ones, then she kissed him passionatly. "Does that answer your question?" He did nod or say yes, but pull her in for another one.


"What do you think Shizuko?" Hatsumi said, pulling my hand. "Isn't it great?"

Hikaru and Kauro picked Hatsuharu and I early that morning for the festival. Hatsumi was giving me the tour around while everyone else was off doing other things. Haruhi and Tamaki went around to the food stands while the other members of the host club were acting like kids and riding children's rides (beside's Kyoya, of course) Kyo and Yuki went off to compete in some games with Tohru, Momiji, Hatsuharu, Kagura, Arisa, and Saki watching. Renge went off to do whatever the heck Renge's do, while Hatsumi and Noritaka pulled me around the consession stands.

"Wanna ice cone?" Noritaka handed me a yellow one. After Noritaka paid, Hatsumi gave her a dirty look. 

"I wanted to do it!!' She pouted like a three year old, waving her hands up in the air. "I wannnnnnnaaaa.....!" I smacked my hand over her mouth before she embarrassed us. "Stop acting like such a Tamaki!" Noritaka sneared. "Calm down" I said, without removing my hand from her mouth.

Then I felt something went touch my hand, and instantly jolted my hand away. "You licked me!" I began starting to wave my hands up in the air. "Ew!" 

"Now, now, Shi-chan, don't go pouting in public." She smirked.


"Whats all the commotion going on over here?" Hikaru and Kauro left the others to come see what we were doing. "Hatsumi, did you lick someone's hand again?"

"No! Lies!" She ran away to the room of mirrors, leaving the four of us alone.



It was silent for a few seconds while we tried to process what Hatsumi had just done. "Who wants to ditch her?' The twins yelled, and all of our hands quickly went up in the air. Before she got terrified from her reflection in the room of mirriors, we ran to the other side of the festival.

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