Chapter twenty-eight : Presents & ze park :I hurray..

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I felt a tap on my shoulder that Saturday morning. When I opened my eyes, I found Kaoru staring at me. "Hi!"


"Your brother."

I looked at the doorway to find Hatsuharu grinning as he left. "Have fun you two!" he called from the hallway. I then heard a big banging noise then a "Watch it Emiko!" and then a "Sorry so sorry Haru!" we stayed quiet. He laughed.

"So I'm gonna take you to one of the biggest parks in all of Tokyo!" Kaoru said, throwing his arms up in the air. "Hikaru and I went there all the time! Your gonna love it!

The place was very green and had around dozens of trees. I smiled and ran all around the place. "SWEETBABYJESUSITSGRASS!" I chanted and rolled down a hill. "It's like you've never seen grass and well... nature before.." Kaoru said.

"Hey, wanna go by the lake?"

"HAZZAH!" I through my arms up in the air and ran around the lake. 

"Your acting to much like Hatsumi. I automatically stopped and lost all of my energy. I calapsed to the ground, grass getting all in my face. Kaoru helped me up as I spit dirt out of my mouth. I ended up in his arms.

"Don't scare me like that. God, please don't be like a Hatsumi! We already established she's the odder one then Tamaki around here." He said as I blushed, and I'm sure he blushed as well. He cleared his throat and I let go of him and stood up straight. "What now?"

"Oh, um, I don't know, wanna just relax until the sunset comes?"



At night it was starting to get intensly cold. I cuddled beside Kaoru and we sat on the dirty, grassy, ground. I choose the wrong day to wear white pants. He let me take his jacket to wrap around my waste, so it didn't look like...

And thats when it started to snow. Of course, it had been December. I cuddled even closer against him. "I guess you hate the cold?" He put his arm around my shoulder, I nodded. 

"Alright then, time to get inside." 

He brought me into a tiny room in one of the coffee shops near the park. We sat at a booth drinking coffee and talking.

"You never told me who you got for secret santa."

"You don't have to know. I think I'll listen to Hatsumi for once. Sometimes she can be wise like that."

"Alright." I was surprised. Hatsumi? Wisdomness? Please, they couldn't even fit in the same sentence even if they tried.

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