Chapter twenty-five: New kids

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"I'll walk you home." Kaoru said when I stepped outside. I don't know where Hatsuharu went, but he must be somewhere with Rin. I didn't hurt say yes.

What was the worst that could happen? "Sure." I nodded. "Thanks."

The walk home was really quiet. We barely talked to eachother. Not that there was much to talk about anyway. I evantually said "I liked your costume." He actually just wore a bright blue tux while Hikaru wore a bright pink one (Haha remember zat from the twins fight episode.) (Haha zat is a funny word) It was too dark to see his face, but I could tell his expression was confused.

"I barely even tried." He said. "But thanks. And you look cute." He pulled on my pikachu ears and pat my head. "Never seen you look so cute before." He laughed.

"Well, that may be because I'm dressed as a super cute yellow rat." We laughed in unison.

We talked even more about the party and how dramatic Aya had been and Kyoya with his death-threating queen sidekick, Hatsumi. I giggled so hard it hurt.

It was almost 1 by the time I was home. I hugged him goodbye. "You know, you don't have to keep walking me home all the time." I said.

"But I like too."

"We stayed in a hug for another minute until we realized what was going on. "Well bye." I reached for the door when his hand touched my shoulder. I turned around "So were should I take you on Saturday?" He stuttered. "I know its like... 2 days away... but just in case you wanna go somewhere speical we can plan ahead of time..."

I half smiled. I completly forgot about the whole Saturday thing, and I was actually excited that we could hang out again. I don't know why, but my heart suddenly skipped a beat when he said that.

"Uhh, I don't know." I paused. "How about you surprise me?"

He nodded and turned around and ran. "Cool, see you later Shi-chan!" I wondered when he started calling me that.

I still didn't understand why my heart skipped a beat, or whatever its called, when he asked me what we should do on Saturday.

~~~Friday ~~~

 3 new kids sat tall and straighed, backs arched. They were near the main office, waiting for someone to escort them to a classroom or whatever, whatever had been planned. 1 was a boy, Natsu, with black hair and brown eyes. The other 2 were girls, one Sayuri, who was small and flat chested, with short black hair, and a crazy combination of clothes, wearing all sorts of different colors. She was also very quiet, and could barely mumble out her name when someone would ask. The other one was Usagi who died her hair a light, light teal. She seamed very threating, unlike Natsu and Sayuri.

And when Yuki, Kyo, Shizuko, and Hatsumi came, (They were excused from class after Hatsumi started another hitting and punching fest with Kyo) being escorted by Kyoya, (He somehow got them outta class using his 'powers' and good looks, according to Hatsumi) they smiled wide smiles and stood up. That was with the exeption of Usagi, who slouched even more in her seat.

"Hello." Sayuri, in a quiet voice, followed by Natsu's "Hello." which was fricking loud. They introduced themselves as Usagi slouched even farther in her seat mumbling her hatred for everyone there.

And so after 3 minutes of conversation and Hatsumi's constant hugging and smiling, the 3 new students followed them into music room three. When they saw a large group of kids, they instantly jumped for joy for making new friends (Okay, except Usagi) but when they saw Tamaki, who was the ony one still dressed in the days costume for entertaining ladies, they were confused.

"I thought the time for entertaing freakish, low-self esteemed, hopeless girls was already over with." Kyo remarked when he entered the room. Hatsumi grabbed him by the shoulder, glared at him evily and spoke threw her gritted teeth.

"I swear if you speak badly of the club Kyoya is in, I will stuff you down a-"

"Okay!" I shouted, hoping to stop the drama. "Let's just introduce ourselves to some new kids, then have they introduce themselves to us, then we can all go skipping threw a forest! Okay?"

Hatsumi seemed satisfied, and so did the rest.

After everyone happily introduced themselves, we all sat down at the long table and talked. I guess I was no longer considered the 'new kid' anymore. But, I was fine with that. But there might be a problem since we might be adding some new friends to our group!

~Sorry it's so short! But I'll see you guyz nex time!~

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