Chapter thirty-two-The awkward date of destiny!

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"Shhhh" Hatsumi said, tugging on my pony tail as I talked to Noritaka in my walkie talkie. We were hiding behind the bushes of the nearest tea shop in town. Emiko had been going there to meet Shigure for the first time. "If your not quite, you'll ruin everything for us!" She whispered. I covered my mouth.

We all split into teams, each of us around one part of tea place. Hatsumi, Sayuri, and I just happened to go infront if the shop, watching Emiko enter. We would get information from Noritaka and Natsu and some others, who were in a bush outside of the window they sat. Noritaka told me some things through her walkie talkie.

"She's taking her seat right now, it appears Mr. Sohma hasn't entered the building yet."  She said while a bunch of leaves rustled in the backround.

"I don't understand, we prepared him and came with him here." Yuki whispered at another end of the line. "He might just be nervous and is in the bathroom. Do

I need to have Mori and Honey check?"

It was Hatsumi's idea that every now and then if one of them was absent from the table, they would have someone check the bathrooms and front desk or wherever to see where they went. For Shigure, it was planned out that Mori and Honey would play as bathroom attendants trying to persuade him to go back out as quickly as possible. They were dressed in fancy black suits and sunglasses.

So basically they are dressed like spys or agents or dectectives or whatever. And  everyone else who wasn't them was sitting outside in the blistering heat. Okay, fine, it wasn't blistering, or even that much hot, but you get the idea.

"Mori, Honey, assume your position." Noritaka, who was placed in charge of communicating to them told at one end of the line. Honey replied with a "Yes mam!" and started to search the surprisingly large bathroom for him.

And we would find out all about what was going on from Momiji, who had been hanging on a tree branch watching through a stained glass window. "He just left a bathroom stall! I repeat, he just left a bathroom stall! Mori and Honey just got settled, and now Mori is handing him a towel, and Honey is saying something, but I'm not exactly sure what."

"Thanks Momiji." I said, and hung up on that end. "Haruhi, how are things doing over there?"

Haruhi, Tamaki, the twins, and my brother were put in charge of the parking lot. Not so much a big deal, but I wanted to check just to make sure. "Are things going smoothly, nothing to weird, is it?"

"Nope." Haruhi's voice came through the walkie talkie."Everything is fine, well, besides the boys over there checking out the fancy hula girl sitting in a car." Five seconds later I heard everyone's voices somehow being entertained by it, and then the twins yelling "This is so cool! I've never seen a commoner's play thing before!" 

"Depraved!" I heard a booming Haruhi yell before then kindly saying by to me.

"I'll call you back once Momiji and/or Noritaka gives me some information on what's going on."

"All right. Bye." I said, turning the walkie talkie off.

"I think we should probally move bases." Hatsumi finally said, lowering the binoculars she was holding. "We are kind of in plain sight, aren't we?"

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