Chapter seven: Festival Planning

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"Okay, so were do you live?" Kaoru asked me as the both of them wrapped there arms around me, uncomfortably. "Don't tell me you a commoner."

"Nah, I'm not. But I kinda used to be.."

The both of them gasped. "No way! Did you go like shopping in the market places and taste test fish and take huge exams every other trimester?"

"I lived in the US guys...."   * '-_- *

"Oh well thats boring. At least we can hang around Haruhi and go to the markets and stuff like that." They moved there arms from my shoulders and started skipping. "Why are you wasting time? Tell us were you live already!" The yelled and tugged my arm. Now I was skipping."I kinda don't skip guys.." I tried to become free of there grasp, but they wouldn't let go.

"So, do you live there in those mansions owned by the famous fashion peoples?" Hikaru asked, pointing to the left. "I heard your mom works with fashion, because our mom does!"

"Ah, yeah, do you guys live there too?"

"No, we prefer to live far away from those fashion crazy freaks." They said at the same exact time and pulled me to the left. 

"You know you guys are breaking my arms.."


We walked around for a long time until I realized that we were lost. I eyed the dead end what seemed like thousands of times before I realized I lived nowhere near here. "You told us you lived here!" They shouted at me. I might have just assumed because she worked for the fashion distrect, that she lived somewhere over here. "Do you even know your address?" Kaoru looked at me, and I shrugged my shoulders, and they facepalmed. "I know your new here, but you could at least memorize your address!"

Hikaru took the phone from his pocket and started dial a number. "Thankfully, I decided to add diffrent people beside's Haruhi's number, and  I could call Hatsuharu and just ask." He finished dialing the number and held the phone to his ear. "Yeah hi Haru, yeah sorry, we have an issue....." 

Hikaru talked to Haru for a minute before slamming the phone shut and violently putting it in his pocket. "You live on Sushi Street!" (<—- Dont judge Im not good at coming up with names lol) "That's like 2 miles away from here!"

"So we can just walk....."

"No we can't! 2 miles is like ffffooorrrreeevvvveeerrrr!!! We can just call Kyoya's private limo to come pick us up!"

Before I knew it, I was in a white limo the reeked of perfume or an odor like that.

"You damn rich people.. what, do you get a heart attack from walking! I know I'm kinda rich now, but like,... really?' They looked at me in surprise and smiled. "That's what Haruhi says all the time!" (she isn't even in this part and she's been mention 3 times XD) They hugged me. "Yay! Goooo Shi-chan!" I looked at them with an angry face. "Get off of me!"

~~~~After 10 minutes of annoyance...~~~~

"Finally! I'm home!" I slammed the door on the way in, hoping the twins wouldn't follow me. Ai was standing by the door, waiting for me. Was I supposed to talk to her? "So, how was your first day off school, Shizuko?" She asked me. I could tell she didn't care the slightest but asked just to be polite. In return, I gulped again, hoping she couldn't hear me, then opened my mouth to respond. "Good." She smiled a sharp smile that could of scared me a lot if I hadn't known her. "Did you make any friends?"

"Well, sorta. I meet this group of like, 22 people, including Haru and I, I was kinda forced to be friends with them from this girl Hatsumi, she's kind of wacky but in a nice way, and I actually don't really regret meeting them and-" I stopped there because only of what half of what I said at the end was true. 

"Sounds nice." She walked away as if nothing happened. "Make sure to start your homework."

I ran up to my room to finish my work and pass out because of the hard days work. Emiko stopped in every once in a while to make sure I was okay. "I'm fine" I'd say to her when she came in. I don't know how many times she came in after I took a nap, though.

"Wake up." I felt something hard like a brick slap my face. I opened my eyes to find Haru's red fist infront of my face.

"What the-!"

"Calm down. I just got back. Remember how I said I'd tell you more about the Zodiac when I got home. Well, now I'm here so lets talk."

I look at the time at my clock. "At 7:00 at night..?" He looked at me, then put his fist at his side. "I went out for a little after afterschool activities, okay?" He rushed into the conversation before I got to ask what he did. "Some of the members of the Zodiac go to our school. Yuki is the rat, Kyo is the cat, Momiji is the bunny, and Kagura is the boar. So like, don't hug the guys and stuff. Oh, and the literature teacher, also author, Shigure, is the dog. The nurse, Hatori, os the dragon. I'm pretty sure he isn't one of your teachers yet, probally next semester or something." I listened carefully. "I just wanted to give you the heads up, K?"


"Well, Mom said you have to go downstairs for dinner now, since you like, sleeped through it. I suggest you go before the miso soup gets any colder." He walked out of my room and slammed the door.


I got out of my bed. When I looked in the mirror, I found that my uniform was still on and my hair was puffed up and messy. I assumed that Ai wouldn't like my appearence once I got downstairs, so I quickly changed and fixed up my hair. Before I got the chance, my phone started to ring. Hey- wait- when did I get that?

I looked at my caller ID. It was Kaoru.

"How the fuck did you get my number?!?!!" was the first thing I blasted into the phone, hoping to blow his ears off. 

"Calm down sassy. Anyway, I wanted to ask, after school tommorow, everyone is going to a festival that opened for some odd reason, but hey, we wanna check it out. I though Hatsuharu would forget to tell you. Are you in?"

"If I have no choice..."

"Yay! Hikaru! She said she'll come! Yayy! they both wer shouting at the same time. "Okay, see you later!" he hung up. What did I just agree to...

Before I could think of all of the things that could happen at the festival tomorrow that could possibly ruin my day, I ran downstairs before I starved to death.

[COMPLETED] Change - Book 1[Fruits basket and OHSHC fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now