Chapter five: Starting today, you meet the Host Club!

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Ouran was a huge pink (hehe, pink) building. It was hard to believe this place was actually a school! My mouth made a circular shape (that's my jaw dropping). 

"Are you okay...?" Haru looked at me with wide eyes. I imagined my face. Two white circular eyes and my mouth hitting the ground. "Yeah I'm fine." I shook my head and looked at Haru. The chauffeur opened the door for my brother and I. Hatsuharu walked out first, me following behind.

I still couldn't get over how tight and fancy these uniforms were. I could barely move my body around in the yellow dress. I couldn't breath properly because of the neckwear; a tight white collar with a red ribbon tied around it. Not to mention the black mary-jane shoes, or the itchy socks. I wasn't used to clothes as fancy as this. Normally, for school (or going out into public, for that matter) I would wear regular shorts or jeans (depending on the weather) a tee, and black converse.Haru was wearing a white shirt with a blue jacket and black pants. At least it looked like he was able to walk properlly. I was as stable as a wobbly board. 

He looked behind at me a few times seeing my progress. "Hurry up, will ya?" His eyebrows nitted together for the fifthtenth time. "Sorry." I looked up from my shoes to meet his angry face. He grunted and turned back around to find Hatsumi and Noritaka starring at him.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" Hatsumi ran over to us very quickly. "Your like here right now!" She pulled on my ear. "Yeah! Shi-chan is hereeee!" She pulled Noritaka in front of her. "Remember Noritaka?" I nodded my head. "Nice to meet you again Noritaka." Haru nodded his head as well, greeting them. "Oh!" Hatsumi pulled our arms. "Come on! Come to meet the rest of my friends!" She squealed.

"You mean the people you force to be your friends...?" Hatsuharu added.

"Shut up."

Hatsumi opened the door to the library. I've never seen so many books in my life. How I wish I could check out all of them, but I was pushed to a table in the center if the room.

"Okay..." Hatsumi began talking very (VERY) quickly.

"So this is Haruhi, Tohru, Arisa, Saki, Renge (eh), Kagura, but of course you already know them, then that's Kyo, Yuki, Momiji, Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru and Kauro, Takashi, and Mitsukuni." She pointed to each and every one of them. She started to breath heavily.

"Nice to meet you!" A small boy holding a bunny came towards me "I'm Mitsukuni! People call me Honey, oh, and that's Momiji!" He quickly pointed to the boy behind me, who I hadn't noticed, who was standing behind me. "Nice to meet you! Your Shizuko, right?" He asked.

"Ya" I replied. 

"Oh!" shouted Mitsukuni. "I'm gonna call you Shi-chan!"

"Hey!" Hatsumi screamed and pulled his ear. "Thats my nickname for her!" 

She began to pull Mitsukuni's right ear and Momiji's left and shouting on the other side of the room.

"So, Hi again!" Tohru smiled at me. "I'm Tohru in case you have forgotten. I'm sure your gonna love it here!" She said as Hatsumi pulled the boys' ears (still..)

"Wahhhh! Hatsumi hurting me!"

"Go play in traffic.." Kyo shouted from across the room.

"Wahhhh! Kyo threatened me!"

"Is it always like this around here...?"

"Now don't be silly Shizuko." Kyoya said, holding clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other, beginning to write. "Of course its always like this! What do you expect from a room of high- class snobby rich students and girls with low attention spans and tempers? It's not like my club and I came all the way down from music room 3 just to introduce a new student, although you have a step brother to take care of that, right Hatsuharu? Anyway, pleasure to meet you, I'm afraid I have to make a call." He began to dail a number on his phone. "See you later."

"Are half the things he says hard to comprehend?" I whispered to Haruhi, who was on the other side of me. 

Before she even got a chance to open her mouth, the tall blonde boy with purple eyes (heh purple) reached his hand across the table. "Hi! I'm Tamaki!" He said. "Haruhi's Boyfriend!" and aura of sparkles sorrounded him.

"Good grief..."

"I just love love new students!" I remember when Haruhi was new! I thought she was a guy! (obviously she wasn't) But I won't mistake you for a guy...blah....blah...blah"

I ignored every other word that came out of his mouth when Hatsumi came back over with the two small boys, both having one ear red. "Now that that's over, Shizuko, why don't you sit down and we will each talk about ourselves."

"But I am sitting..."

"Anyway!" Hatsumi interupted, pointing across the table (<— she's like the female version of Tamaki.) "Why don't we start with the devious twins over there playing with the forks!"

"Hey were not....!!"

And as they continued to talk and bicker (AKA: she's not really paying attention to the rest of the conversation) I began to realize this was the group of kids I'd have to be with until I graduate ( '-_-) They all seemed...nice....even the one who didn't speak (We mean you, Takashi) At least I'd have Hatsuharu (Only because he's her step bro people!) that could help me at least make it through graduation. These people were from rich families with high expectations (with the exeption of a few, not including Shizuko herself). I don't know how these guys act all the time, but I hope it's not like this * shutters * (we all know Tamaki or Hatsumi will never change)  

****And as Shizuko was thinking about how much her life will change ( for the worse), Hatsumi and the Hitachiin twins began to argue over forks, Momiji began to complain about his ear and the fact that Kyo was threatening him, Mitsukuni eating cake (not enjoying it as much as he should because Takashi was holding an ice pack to his ear, Haruhi having to deal with her boyfriends sparkles that (for once) set on fire and burned the sleaves of his shirt and he is starting to freak out (God help her), Kyoya STILL making a 'phone call', and everyone else covering there ears from the bickering. ***

These damn rich people..

[COMPLETED] Change - Book 1[Fruits basket and OHSHC fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now