Chapter twenty-seven : Secret Frickin' Santa

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"CHRISTMAS IS COMING!" Hatsumi yelled, throwing her hands up in the air in the cafeteria. "We should totally do like, secret santa!"

"Secret Santa, you say?" The table heard from behind us. We turned around to find Shigure, Ayame, and a bored Hatori standing in the teachers' lunch line. "We should join fellow men!" Aya chanted to Hatori and Shigure, Shigure ginving a thumbs up and saying 'yeah'.

"Sweet baby jesus IF YOU DO I SWEAR TO GOD AYA DON'T MAKE ME GET OVER THERE!" Hatsumi shouted from across the room.

"Lets just right our names down on cards or something...." I said, swallowing my last spoonful of soup. Hatsumi took out a bright pink pen and started writing down names like nobody's business.

We picked a few minutes later using Sayuri's beanie. "Me first!" Hatsumi yelled picking a card from the hat. 


"Ohhhhh!" Hatsumi screamed. We all looked at her puzzled. I wonder who she got.

"Your turn Shi-chan!" She tossed the bag to me. I closed my eyes and picked out a yellow card.


Okay. Not bad. I passed the beanie to Noritaka next. She closed her eyes like I

had and picked out a card.


I couldn't help but read the card. 

A few more name picking later, it landed on Tamaki. He screamed and chanted "Haruhi! Haruhi!" hoping he'd pick her. Jokes on you. I don't know who he got, be he didn't seem to thrilled. I'm sure he didn't hate who he got- this is Tamaki. He doesn't hate anyone.

We finally finished picking after a few more turns."And don't worry everyone, you can still get a gift for someone outside of secret santa!" Hatsumi said, winking at Kyoya. {Otay so Teresa got lazy so imma write the rest of this chapter, she also gots homework to do sooo thanks! - angie aka wolfie} Kyoya smirked, the shine in his glasses more diligent now then ever. We all finished lunch and headed to our last classes, which passed by surprisingly fast.

Hatsumi never failing to get Kyo into trouble, or making him blush non-the-less. I couldn't help but think how mad Kyoya would be. I also couldn't help but wonder who got Kaoru. I'll ask who he got at the Host Club. He'll tell me right?  


"I'm not telling you Shizuko." I felt my self turn into a little chibi character, crying little chibi tears, my little chibi arms clinging to his jacket. (If you couldn't tell my friends, i purposely used 'chibi' several times ~A) 

"Please Kao-chan? I'm not going to tell anyone." I begged. He was blushing madly and I could just feel the devil horns growing on top of my head. He opened his mouth to say something, before a hand was slapped over his mouth.

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