Chapter 3

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I saw you today at the precinct and I was going to ask you out but it seems like you have someone else in your life. I hope you don't think I'll be that guy on the side. In all honesty, I'm hurt that you never mentioned having a boyfriend or that you were engaged. I would never have asked you for coffee if you did. I hope you are happy with him and that he loves you like I do. – Rafael

Jayde was at the precinct getting ready to leave when she read his email. She had broken his heart by getting married. She and Johnny had got engaged over thanksgiving then went to Los Vegas to get married. It was something they decided to do on a whim. They were legally married and extremely happy. Now as she read Rafael's email, she realized how much she had hurt him. When she got home, she replied to him.

I realize that I've hurt you and I feel like I should explain myself. When we out for coffee it was my assumption that we were going as friends. I would never want to hurt you. I got engaged thanksgiving weekend and then got married shortly after. I know it's too much to ask not to be angry with me and I completely understand why. In all honesty, I was in love with you too but now I have to be loyal to my husband. If you want to talk, I'll always be available. – Jayde.

Rafael read the reply and her apology. His heart was broken, even if he never told her he loved her until now. He wanted her, but he missed his chance. He didn't know what he felt at that moment besides hurt and anger. He loved her and he wished it was him.

The next day Amanda approached her at the break station. "I see you got new jewelry".
"I got married over thanksgiving weekend to Johnny!"
Her jaw dropped. "Wait? You got married? I didn't know you were engaged!"
"We got engaged then went to vegas to get married. I'm officially Jayde Lucy Depp".
It was then they saw Rafael close by and she knew he was pretending not to hear the conversation. Amanda gave her a look then walked away. Jayde approached him.
"I'm sorry, I know you don't believe me".
He looked at her not knowing what to say. He walked away from her towards Olivia's office.

Amanda saw this and she followed her to the bathroom. "What's going on with you and Barba?"
"He noticed that I got married and he sent me an email. I'll show you". She took her phone out of her pocket and showed her the emails they had sent.
"So you didn't know he was in love with you?"
"No and now I hurt him. I guess I should have known".
Amanda nodded. "You'll just have to talk to him somehow".

That night, Jayde was on her bed with Johnny fast asleep beside her when she saw that she had an email from Rafael waiting for her. I didn't want to talk to you today because I was still hurt and angry but I thought of your apology. Rollins talked to me before I left and she helped me realize that you never set out to hurt me. I do want to be friends if you'll still let me. I do hope you and your husband (I didn't get his name) are happy. If you're still awake, I look forward to your reply, either way I'll see you tomorrow. – Rafael.

Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry for everything again and I would love to have you as a friend. I need someone to talk broadway with since you're the only one who appreciates musical theatre. Some time I'll have to introduce you to Johnny. I know you two will get along great. Also on the topic of broadway, I was wondering if you wanted your Hamilton cd back. I uploaded it to my laptop so I don't need it anymore. Thanks for letting me borrow it. – Jayde.

I'm glad you liked it! I could always use someone to argue musical theater with. Even in New York, they are hard to come by. You can keep the cd. I've also got it uploaded to my laptop and on my phone. How about you and Johnny come to supper tomorrow after work. I would love to meet him, if he can handle my sarcasm. Anyway, I won't keep you up. I'll see you tomorrow. – Rafael.

The next day after work, both she and Johnny met Rafael at a Spanish restaurant near the precinct. "Rafael, this is my husband, Johnny. Johnny, this is Rafael Barba".
"It's nice to finally meet you! I've heard only good things about you", Johnny told him.
"It's great to meet you, too". They sat down at a booth near the back so they wouldn't be bothered by the paparazzi. "You might have to help me here, I don't speak Spanish".
Both Jayde and Rafael laughed as they helped him with the menu. "I'm just going to be safe and order steak quesadillas".
"Oh my god I've seriously been craving an 8 ounce steak all day. I don't know why either. Fin thought I was crazy", Jayde told them.

"By the way, the guys say hi. Steven and Anthony want to give us a gift and lily says hi".
"Steven and Anthony are our close friends and Lily is Johnny's daughter. She's such a cutie. I have a picture I can show you". She took out her phone and showed Rafael a picture of Lily.
"She's gorgeous!"
"She's 17. I have a son named Jack. He's 14", Johnny told him.
"Lily's a doll".

After eating and talking, they parted ways but she and Johnny got stopped by fans. He signed some autographs and posed for pictures. Rafael saw this and walked away shaking his head.

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