Chapter 24

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Jayde and Anthony were together for 6 months before breaking up. They cared about each other a lot but they found out that there wasn't the spark they thought there was. She kept the necklace he had given her and he promised to be in her life. Jayde was happy that they broke up on good terms and both Idina and Adam remained friendly with her. They were disappointed that they didn't work out but they understood that they were better as friends.

Of course Rafael was excited when saw her entry on Tumblr: Living la vida single. He thought about emailing her but he didn't want to seem too eager. Still, he thought of her all the time. Jayde walked in to the precinct and she looked around. Since there wasn't anybody there, she figured that they were out. Rafael walked in and saw the virtually empty precinct. All he saw was her.

"Where is everyone?"
"I don't know. I just got here".
He nodded happily. This would give them time to talk. "So you and Anthony –"
"We're friends. Don't seem so eager, Rafi". She gave him a teasing smile.
He laughed to himself. "How about I ask you out for tonight? Unless you have the kids".
"The kids are with Johnny".
"How does 8:00 sound for a late supper?"
"I'd love to".

The rest of the day he was walking on air. He called ahead and made a reservation for two at his favorite place then ran and got a bouquet of flowers for her. He felt nervous because he wanted everything to perfect. Once they got to the restaurant and sat down at the table, he gave her the flowers. Her face lit up when she saw them. "They're beautiful! Thank you".
He smiled. "I thought of you when I got them".
"They're gorgeous!"
After eating and paying, they went back to his place. His apartment was neat and tidy. After closing the door, he took her by the hand and she went over to him. He pulled her close then he kissed her. It was the kiss she had been waiting for. After years of waiting, they finally found each other. "I love you", he told her after they parted lips.
"I love you, too".

The squad noticed that something was different with them the next day. "Are you guys finally together", Amanda asked her. Jayde said nothing but her face said everything. "Oh my god. We were all taking bets on when y'all would get together".
"Really? Who won?" Amanda rolled her eyes. That night Jayde and Rafael went to the airport to pick up her kids. When Steven saw him, he gave him the biggest smile. "Uncle Rafi!" He ran over to him and Rafael picked him up. "Hi mommy", Steven said to her.

The two of them drove home with the kids. Steven talked the whole time while Kiera babbled over him. "Mama. Mama. Dada!"
Steven looked at his sister. "It's mommy, not mama!"
"No, Kiera. Mommy. Say mommy!"
"Mama! Mama! Mama!"
Both Jayde and Rafael laughed.

When the got inside, Steven ran to his room with his suitcase. Jayde put Kiera down which made her start crying so Jayde picked her up again. Steven came out with a toy that his older brother had given him. "Uncle Rafi look what I got!"
"That's so cool!"
"Jack gave it to me", he said jumping up and down. He took Rafael by the hand and brought him into the living room with Jayde and Kiera following behind them. In the living room, there was a box of toys and Kiera went over to it after Jayde set her down.

After playing for awhile, Kiera started getting grumpy so Jayde went and got her ready for bed. She rubbed her eye and laid her head on her mother's shoulder. Before long, she was fast asleep in a clean diaper and her pajamas. She closed the door and went out to see the boys playing with legos. Rafael seemed to be enjoying himself so she sat down next to them.

So happy to have my kids back at home with me! Kiera is fast asleep and Steven is playing with 'Uncle Rafi'. Of course on the way home, Steven and Kiera got into an argument over if I was mama or mommy (but can a 3 year old really argue with a 1 year old?). Not too sure who won that argument. I'm so thankful for my little family.

After putting Steven to bed, she came back out to Rafael who was sitting on the couch waiting. He smiled as she sat down beside him. He kissed the top of her head. They sat together not wanting to move. Her living room looked like a tornado had gone through but she didn't care. For now she was content.

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