Chapter 66

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Have you ever looked at your ex-husband and thought 'God, you're so fucking adorable'? Just want to know if anyone's done that or if it's just me. #randomjaydemoment

Rafael read Jayde's post and laughed to himself. Of course he didn't know for sure whether or not she was talking about him or Johnny but it still made him smile. He was at home by himself on Tumblr and he was winding down for the night. The kids were with Jayde so his apartment was quiet.

Girlfriend pops a mint in her mouth: this tastes like a bad blowjob.
Me: cracks up.

"Are you going to put that on your blog?"
"Of course", Jayde had replied still laughing.
Jesse shook her head laughing. "I love you".
"I love you too, babe".

Rafael continued laughing. He noticed her LGBT Friendly Playlist. It was a good selection of music although he didn't know all of the artists. He left a message for her on her blog. Nice selection of music. Again, I do not know all of the artists. You'll have to play them some time for me. – Rafael

Omg. You'll have to come over and I'll play them for you. Ps. I still have Mamá Barba's lasagna recipe. It's a big hit with the kids. – Jayde

I'm glad they love it as much as we do. I was just wondering if we could talk about what happened. – Rafael

Of course. I was going to actually text you about that but then I got distracted with my kids at work. Should I meet you at your office tomorrow? – Jayde

Or I could meet you at our favorite bar. Whatever works. – Rafael

Let's meet there. I just have to tell my sitter. – Jayde

The next day Jesse texted her asking to meet up but Jayde texted her that she was meeting Rafael for drinks after work. That's totally fine. I love you. – Angel

Rafael walked into the bar and went back to their favorite booth in the back. The place was busy for a Thursday night and it took him some time to get to the back. Jayde got up and gave him a hug. They then sat down. Neither of them knew what to say. "I just wanted to know what happened".
She thought. "We had sex".
He nodded. "I know, but what was it, Jayde? A one time hookup or was it real?"
"I don't know, Rafi. It felt real".
He took her hands from across the table and put them in his. "I don't know what to think. I know you're with Jesse and you want to be faithful but... when, when I made love to you, I was hoping you would change your mind and come back to me. I thought you would think about it".
"I was thinking about it but then Amanda told me about Jesse and I decided to give her a try. Then I fell in love. I'm scared, Rafi of getting my heart broken again. I mean, Johnny, you, Anthony, Sonny... I... fell in love then it doesn't work out. Jesse is safe. I'm sorry".
He nodded sympathetically. "I was hoping you and Sonny would get married because I saw how happy he made you. I hadn't seen you that happy in a long time and it wasn't fair that it didn't work out. I saw your face light up again and you had your smile back. I hadn't seen that since you were with me and it was the smile that I fell in love with".
"If I could have changed one thing, I would have fought harder for our marriage. I gave up too easily".
"Jayde, never regret that. You did what you thought was the best thing at the time".
She looked at the table. "Then do you know what it was because I'm still thinking about it".
He thought. "I pictured you as my wife. The one I let go. I know you don't like letting people down and I respect that. I also respect that you're with Jesse. I also don't want it to be just a random thing".

She nodded. "Neither do I but I guess that's what it's going to have to be".
He nodded as well. "And I respect that. I don't want you to leave her for me. I want you to be 100% genuinely happy. You deserve that out of anyone. You don't have to worry about hurting me. I'm going to get us some drinks. I'll be right back". He let go of her hands then got up to get them a round of drinks. She sat there processing everything that had just happened. He came back ten minuets later with a beer for him and a martini for her.
She smiled at the little umbrella. "This is so cute!" She took it out and put it on the table.
He laughed. "I thought you would like it". After sitting down, he took a drink. "How's Santana doing?"
"She's doing great. She is a little behind developmentally since she was born two months early but I'm not worried about that right now".
"How old is she?"
"15 months. She likes to point to everything and she's learning how to talk. She can say papa, mama and bye bye. Oh yeah, and no. Everything is no".
He laughed. "I remember that stage".
"I don't think she knows what no really means. Lucia loves playing with her".

"I heard you singing on your blog. You should do it for money".
She laughed. "Nah. I'm not into Hollywood and I don't want to abandon my kids. I don't need paparazzi following me around all the time or the tabloids talking about me".
"You've always been stubborn". He took a drink.
"I've been stubborn since I was born. I was a week late. I was supposed to be born around New Years".
"Really? I didn't know that".
"Yeah. If you want to talk about my stubbornness, you should ask Johnny. He could probably write a whole book about it. I could write a whole book about him, but I would never do that to him".
Rafael laughed. "He probably appreciates that. I would love to read a book about you though".
"How To Get Through Life With A Sense Of Humor By Jayde Furnier Perrier Tallarico".
"That sounds exactly like you. I'm sure it would be a best-seller".
"I'll think about it. I might have to ask the guys if I can use their names though. It would be an interesting conversation to have with people as to why I have three last names".
"Or two middle names".

After saying goodbye to each other, they gave each other a hug then went their separate ways. Jayde thought about his idea of writing a book about her life. It was certainly an interesting life she had lived. When she got home, the kids were in bed. She hadn't realized how late it was. The sitter noticed that she was home and Jayde apologized for being late. "Don't worry about it. You need a night out sometimes".

So happy I had a night out with Rafael. He suggested that I write my autobiography. I decided, if I do it, I would call it How To Get Through Life With A Sense Of Humor By Jayde Furnier Perrier Tallarico.

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