Chapter 68

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That moment when Johnny sends you a rumor about you. Good lord. I'll tell everyone right now, I never smoked pot with Johnny or anyone else. I don't know how the hell this rumor started or why, just know that it's not true.

Jayde was at her desk when Johnny texted her. There was a rumor going around the internet that they had smoked pot together. I don't even know what to think. We both know it's not true. – Jayde. It was then she heard a knock and she saw her girlfriend inside of the doorway. "Jesse. What's going on?" She closed the door and brought her over to her desk.
"Are you busy?"
"Not too busy for you". A smile.
"I just wanted to ask you something. Is it true that you slept with your ex-husband".
Silence. "Who told you that?"
"I saw it on your phone".
"I slept with him before I met you. That's why we went out for drinks. He knows that I love you".
Jesse just nodded. "So you never cheated on me?"
"Who told you that?"
"My friend. She saw you and him. She said that you were holding his hand".
"I did from across the table but that's all. I would never cheat on you. I've been cheated on and I would never want to do that to someone else. I love you".
Jesse nodded and smiled. "You promise?"
Jayde took her hands into hers. "I promise. I love you and only you".
She smiled and kissed her. "I love you too". They pulled away quickly when they heard a knock on the door. "I better go. I'll see you later".

The door opened and they saw Rafael. He said hello as Jesse walked out. "What's going on?"
"The rumor mill is in full operation. I just had to clear up two rumors in like five minutes".
"What kind of rumors?"
"One, that I used to smoke pot with Johnny. Two, that I cheated on Jesse with you. Her friend saw us together and assumed that I was cheating on her".
"What? Did you tell her it wasn't true?"
"I told her that I slept with you before I met her and that's why I got drinks with you. I also told her that I held your hands from across the table but that's all that happened. This is why I don't like fame, Rafi".

He smiled and sat down in a chair in front of her desk. "But enough with my drama. What can I help you with?"
"The usual chaos and anarchy. Actually Olivia was wondering if you were done with the casefile".
"You came all the way for that? I could have saved you the trip".
He laughed to himself as he looked around her office. "And I was going to tell you that your parents stopped by to see me".
"Good lord. What'd they want?"
"They want to talk to you but I told them they couldn't do that unless either myself or the squad were with you. It's your decision, Jayde whether or not you want to talk to them. If I were you –"
"You would say hell no".
"Not in those words, but yes".
Jayde sat down in her chair as she thought. "I want them to listen to me, really listen. No bullshit excuses and then after the meeting, they leave me and the kids alone forever. No contacting me, you, or the squad".
He nodded agreeing with her. "I can arrange something with Liv and Fin".
"Ok, then. I'll get the casefile for you".

Rafael went straight to the precinct after talking to Jayde. He handed the casefile to Olivia. "Thanks. What did Jayde say?"
"She agreed to meet with them but she said that she wants them to really listen to her and then after the meeting, they leave her, me and the squad alone for good".
Olivia looked at him. "She wants to do this? You're sure".
He nodded. "I volunteered you and Fin".
"Ok, then. I'll tell Fin".

Once Fin was told of the plan, Olivia notified Jayde's parents. A week later they were at the precinct in an interrogation room. "I just wanted to tell you that I am still very angry at what you have done to me over the years. You never respected what I wanted. You always made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I don't think you ever told me you were proud of me. You weren't there when I needed you. You would come home and go to bed. When I told you that I didn't want to marry Johnny, you pushed me. I told you that I didn't want to be a lawyer, and you told me I was wasting my life. When I was in the hospital after being assaulted, you never visited or asked how I was doing. I am your daughter but I don't feel like you respect or love me. Because of this, I decided to cut you out of my life for good. I can't continue coming home upset because you went off on me. I am not a puppet. You have five beautiful grandchildren who have never met you and never will because I don't want them to get hurt.

I hope when this meeting is over, you will leave me alone for good and I hope you never contact me, Rafael or the squad ever again". Silence as they processed what Jayde had just told them. They nodded. "Jayde, we are sorry. You have every right to be upset. We have always been proud of you. We read in the paper that you won an award for helping children".
"Then how come you never told me? You made me feel like I wasn't good enough and I was worthless".
"We never meant to make you feel like that. We meant to visit you but we got busy".
Olivia laughed to herself and shook her head. Tears were going down Jayde's face. "I was in a coma for two weeks and almost died. You couldn't take even a second to visit me?" Anger was rising from her. "I hope whatever you were both doing was important as your daughter".

After the meeting, they agreed to leave them alone for good. Jayde collapsed in a chair with tears going down her face. Olivia brought a chair over to her then sat down beside her. "They're gone forever. They don't care".
Olivia rubbed her back. "You told them what you needed to tell them. It's over".
Rafael and Fin came over to her. They let her cry until she felt better. "They are not my family. The squad is my family".

Later as she walked out of the interrogation room, Amanda and Sonny came over to see if she was ok. "I told them what I needed to say and they're gone for good".
Amanda rubbed her back. "You were very brave coming here and talking to them. I don't think I could have done that".
She nodded and smiled a little. "I'm so proud of you", Sonny told her.
"We're all proud of you", Olivia told her.
Jayde wiped her face with her hands. "You guys are my family".
Everyone smiled at this.

As Jayde was walking out, Rafael caught up with her. "How are you feeling?"
"Relieved and proud of myself. Everyone got to see what a-holes they are".
"I am so proud of you. I hope you know that".
She smiled. "I know. I don't need them. I have the squad, you, Johnny, Steven, Vincent, Anthony and the rent family. I guess I'm surprised they actually listened this time. They've never listened to me".
"I think Liv spelled that out clearly for them. If they try to contact you, let us know".
"I will, thanks".

So happy that I got to say what I've been wanting to say for a long time. My parents have listened to me and they agreed to never contact me ever again. I am proud of myself for standing up to them. I am not a Ramirez anymore. For here on out, I've decided to be known as Jayde Lucy Furnier Perrier Tallarico. I have three separate families: SVU, Rent and the Vampires and I'm thankful for all three.

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