Chapter 59

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That moment when you're on bed rest and you suddenly get the urge to watch Forrest Gump. That's totally what I'm doing right now.

Jayde was on her bed watching Forrest Gump as she had been put on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. She was 6 months and the doctor wanted to make sure her baby was born healthy. Sonny was anxious and he doted on her.

He had set up the bed for her and made some meals so she wouldn't have to get up if she didn't have to. Before he left for work, he made sure she was comfortable. "Call me if anything happens. I'll answer right away".
She laughed. "Sonny, I'm fine. Go to work".
"Ok, but if you need anything, I mean anything –"
She laughed again. "I'll call you. Now go before Liv fires you".
He smiled and gave her a kiss. "I love you".

He got to the precinct ten minutes late. Olivia saw him come in. "Glad you could make it".
"I was making sure Jayde was comfortable".
She nodded smiling. "Well Fin and Amanda are following up on a lead. They should be back shortly". With that, she went back to her office as Sonny went to his desk. He opened his laptop and put his stuff away as Fin and Amanda walked back into the squad room.

They went over the information they had collected from their witness, who had been hesitant to talk about the suspect. Fin had made him talk and they got the information they needed. "What'd you find out", Olivia asked them coming out of her office.
"He was hesitant but Fin got him to crack".
Olivia looked at Fin. "Nice work".

Later, Sonny texted Jayde to see how she and baby were doing. We're doing great. Just watching some netflix. We watched Forrest Gump and now we're trying to pick another movie to watch. – Jayde

Sounds fun. I'll see you tonight. I love you. – Sonny

She turned and put her phone on the bed. Feeling tired, she got comfortable and fell asleep. She woke up to Santana kicking her. Jayde rubbed her stomach trying to calm her daughter. Remembering the food that Sonny had made her, she got off the bed and went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Everything looked great that it was hard to choose.

As she took out the food, she felt Santana kick her again. "Just a minute, love. Mommy's going to feed you". She seemed to calm down as Jayde put the food in the microwave. Sonny had made her some non-spicy lasagna. The food was great and it filled her up.

So happy to have a fiancée who makes delicious food for me and baby. 3 more months of bed rest until Santana makes her debut. #santanagabriellecarisi

That night Sonny came home and immediately checked on her. She rubbed her stomach. "How's mommy doing?"
"I'm doing great. Santana's just active again".
He kissed her stomach. "You be nice to mommy, ok?"
This made her laugh. "How was work?"
He shrugged. "It was ok. We spent the day going over and following up on leads".
"Sounds fun". She smiled.
He laughed. "It's work".

He sat down beside her and he rested his hand on her stomach. "Hi baby girl. It's daddy. I can't wait to meet you. You be nice to mommy, ok?" He continued running his hand over her stomach. "You got three months left". She laughed again at her fiancée talking to their baby. "She knows you're her daddy".
He laughed. "She's going to be beautiful like her mommy".
She kissed him. "I love you".

The next day Sonny was on the couch with her. She had her head on his shoulder. He kissed her deeply. "You are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen".
She smiled. "She's lucky to have a daddy like you". He kissed her again. "If I wasn't pregnant, I would make love to you".
He laughed. "We can do that after she's born".
She smiled.

The next day she began to have contractions. Sonny looked at her worried. "What's wrong, doll?"
"I'm having contractions". He grabbed her suitcase and they went to the car where they drove to the hospital. He parked the car and went inside to get help. A nurse came out a few minutes later with a wheelchair. When they were in a room and she was comfortable, he went out to call his parents.
A nurse came in and took her vitals and hooked her up to a machine that could detect their baby's heartbeat.

The machine beeped every couple of seconds and she rubbed her stomach. The medical staff wanted to hold off as long as they could on the birth. The longer they waited, the better chance they would have on a healthy baby. Sonny came in and kissed her head. "How's mommy doing?"
"I'm doing good. The staff wants to hold off as long as we can".
He looked at the machines. "Sonny, it's going to be fine", she told him.
He laughed and nodded. "I know, doll".

She felt another contraction and she winced in pain. Sonny took her hand and she squeezed it. A nurse came back in to check on her. "I just had another contraction", she told the nurse. The nurse checked on everything then left to get a doctor. Jayde became scared and Sonny continued holding her hand. "It'll be ok. I promise".

The doctor came in and checked on her and Santana. The fetal monitor continued beeping every other second. The doctor looked at her and told her that she wanted to deliver the baby. They decided to try and deliver vaginally. She was told to start pushing but she was loosing too much blood. They wheeled her to surgery where they would attempt a c-section. She started crying. Sonny followed behind her.

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