Chapter 63

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I'd rather be anything but ordinary, please. – Avril Lavigne

Amanda read Jayde's post about Jesse and she smiled. I'm so happy you had fun! I knew you would like her! – Amanda
Haha. You win this time. Where'd you find her? – Jayde
She's my neighbor. Little Jesse loves her! – Amanda

Jayde smiled as she and Steven got packed to visit Johnny. They were meeting him in London and they were all excited. "Mom, how many days are we going to be there?"
"A week and three days so 10 days and we're leaving tomorrow so you better be packed".
Steven smiled. "I am".
"Let me double check". They went to his room and she took everything out of his suitcase as she double checked. "Good job, buddy!"

The next day they were on a private plane to London. Johnny had sent the plane to pick them up. Steven got on board and he looked around. "Whoa. This is so cool!"
Jayde laughed. "Sit down and get buckled so when they're ready, we can take off".
He went to his seat and put on his seatbelt on then looked out the window. "Everyone outside is so tiny".
She smiled knowing that her son was excited. He hadn't smiled like this for awhile and it made her happy.

During the flight, she updated her blog using the in-cabin wifi. Hello from 36,000 feet. Finally getting a much needed vacation with my buddy. He's seriously excited about this, you guys. It's hard to impress a teenager but he thinks this is the coolest thing ever. Goodbye New York. We'll see you in 10 days. #hellolondon

Steven connected his iPad up so he could watch netflix using Jayde's account. He browsed through the movies as he tried to pick one he wanted to watch. "What are you doing, bud?"
"Trying to find a movie. Can I watch Dazed and Confused?"
"No. Not until you're older".
He pouted a little then went back to the movies. "What's Eating Gilbert Grape!"
Jayde laughed. "That's actually a really good movie! You would like it. It's about this kid named Gilbert who has to take care of his sisters, mentally disabled brother and obese mother".

The flight to London took about 7 hours and Steven started getting antsy. "We're almost there!"
Jayde smiled. She had gone back to Tumblr to check her messages. I hope you guys have fun! You'll have to show me pictures next time I see you. I would love to see you again. – Jesse

We definitely will. I would love to see you again, too. I'll text you when we're back in New York. I'll totally take pictures to show you! – Jayde

Once they landed, they saw Johnny waiting for them. Steven's face lit up when he saw him. "Dad!"
Johnny laughed. "Hey, buddy! I've missed you! How was your flight?"
"It was good. I got to watch movies on my iPad!"
Johnny smiled. "Hey, Jayde. It's always nice to see you! How are things?"
"A lot better".
He saw her smile and he gave her a hug. "You'll have to tell me about it sometime".

The three of them went to Johnny's hotel and Steven looked out the window. "This is so cool!"
Johnny laughed. "I got a surprise for Jayde!"
She looked at him curious. "What is it?"
"I got you some time at a recording studio. Before you say no, it's just to make a demo. Just give it a try".
She looked at his puppy face and it made her laugh. "Ok, fine. When are we going?"
He smiled. "In an hour".
"Are you fucking serious?"
He laughed. "It's all for you, doll".

"Just go whenever you're ready, J. Pretend we're not here and you're at home singing to your girlfriend", Johnny told her.
She laughed. "I can't believe I'm doing this".
He smiled. "You're going to do great, J".
"You're lucky I love you so much, John".
He laughed.

She had the music in front of her. The first song she was going to sing was Stitches by Shawn Mendes. She could hear the music in her headset and it made her forget other people were watching her. When she was done, everyone clapped for her.
"That was fucking awesome, J", Johnny told her.

She got out of the booth and listened to the playback. Her jaw dropped. "Oh my god. That's me?"
Everyone laughed. "That's all you, doll".
She was now excited to do another song and she went through her phone until she found the perfect one. "Hold on, I got one. Steven wrote it for you". He handed her a piece of paper.
She read it and she covered her mouth. The song was racy and sexy. "This definitely has Steven Tyler written all over it".
"He thought you would be able to handle it".

"I'm going to kill Steven for this". Johnny laughed as he watched her. The song was called Body Say and Jayde went through it in her head before she felt confident enough to sing it. She went back to the booth and closed the door. The sound engineer asked if she was ready and she gave him the thumbs up.

She came out to where they were waiting for her. The sound engineer played it back to her. She was slightly embarrassed at the song's content. Johnny laughed at her then told her she could pick the next one. She chose to do Til it Happens to You by Lady Gaga. After getting the music, she went back into the booth where she gave the sound engineer the thumbs up to signal that she was ready. She could hear the music in her headphones.

When she was done, the sound engineer mixed everything together then put all the songs on a cd for her. She thanked him before she and Johnny left. When she got back to the hotel, she played it back song by song on her laptop. She then put all of the songs on her Tumblr.

Back in New York, the precinct was quite since it was almost Christmas. Amanda was on her Tumblr when she went to Jayde's blog. She plugged in her headphones and listened to her friend. Her jaw dropped. "Oh my god. You guys have to come over and listen to this!"
Sonny and Fin went over to Amanda's desk. She had unplugged her headphones and had the volume up so they could hear it.
"Who is this", Sonny asked. The voice sounded familiar.
Everyone listened to the rest of the song. "What song was that", Fin asked.
"The song is called Stitches but that was Jayde singing".
Their jaws dropped. "That was Jayde?! Damn!"

They listened to the other song in awe. They had never heard their friend sing but they all agreed that she had a great voice! Amanda read the caption: This song is called Body Say. Just a warning. This song was written by Steven Tyler so it is sexual and if you are offended by this, it would be best not to listen. #imgoingtokillyousteven
FYI: this not a legitimate death threat, y'all.

"Oh I want to hear this", Fin said. Amanda hit play and they listened to the song. "Damn", was all Fin said. He had a smile on his face.
"She warned us that it would be racy", Sonny said.
"This one is a cover of Til it Happens to You by Lady Gaga", Amanda told them before hitting play. They all listened to the song.
"That was Jayde", Fin asked. "It sounded almost exactly like Lady Gaga!"
Both Sonny and Amanda nodded in agreement.

Back in London, everyone was back at the hotel to rest. Johnny had taken Steven down to the pool with one of his bodyguards. Jayde logged on to Tumblr to check her messages.

We listened to your music and we were all blown away. We didn't know you could sing! – Amanda
Damn. Where have you been hiding that voice? You are talented and it's too bad you don't share your voice with the world. – Anthony
All I can say is 'wow'. – Rafael

Thank you to everyone for their kind messages. Fortunately/unfortunately, I love my job too much to do broadway or Hollywood and being a pop star was never really my thing. I only did this because Johnny freaking Depp gave me puppy eyes. Plus he's so freaking adorable, how could I say no? #forreal

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