Being pregnant this time was different. Rafael threw himself into learning everything there was about having a newborn. Thankfully he had some experience with babies since he had helped Jayde raise her children. He had held them when they were born but this was different. This was his own child. This wasn't to say he didn't love Steven and Kiera as his own. "Amor. Tenemos seis meses para todo", Jayde reminded him.
He smiled and nodded. "Lo sé". They were at the doctors to find out the sex of their baby and Rafael was listing off the things he needed to do.Finally her name was called and they followed the nurse to a room. They learned that their baby was healthy and developing. Jayde could see Rafael paying attention to every little detail. The nurse noticed how antsy he was. "He's a first time dad", Jayde told her.
The nurse turned to him. "Congratulations to you!"
Rafael laughed. "Thanks".
Finally they found out what they wanted to find out. During the sonogram, the nurse pointed at the baby's genitalia. "Congratulations, it's a boy!"
"Oh my god. Rafi Jr.", Jayde said.
She looked at the screen as did Rafael. He thought of everything he could teach his son. At the end of the appointment, they thanked the nurse then left.Jayde posted the sonogram on her Tumblr with the caption COMING SOON: Rafael Eduardo Barba Jr aka Rafi Jr or RJ
Jayde entered the precinct and she saw everyone looking at her and smiling. Sonny came over and gave her a hug. "How are you and RJ?"
"We're good. He's growing every day".
Olivia came out of her office and she gave her a hug. "It's so nice to see you again!"They all went over to where they had pictures of the suspect and the victim. The victim was a 15 year old who had run away from an abusive household and had been found living on the streets. She had been brought to the hospital where she disclosed the abuse: physical, sexual and verbal. During the examination, the doctor found out that she was four months pregnant. They did an amnio and were waiting for the results from the lab. Jayde absentmindedly put her hand on her stomach as she told the squad the details of the case.
"How can you do this everyday", Amanda asked her amazed.
"A lot of tears, when I get home and venting to Rafael". Everyone nodded. "And I tell them 'it's not your fault and I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm going to try to do everything I can to make sure this never happens again'"
Olivia smiled. "Wow. I didn't know you were paying attention". Jayde laughed to herself. "Where is she now?"
"She's in a group home for teen moms. They wanted to put her in foster care but there weren't any that would take a pregnant teenager".Before she left, everyone gave her a hug and they told her to visit again. She smiled. "I'll try to. If I can't before I have RJ, then I'll bring him in".
She went back to her office and sat in her chair. She was expecting one of her kids in ten minutes but for now, she just wanted to relax a little. Little RJ had started kicking and she rubbed her hands up and down her stomach. Her phone went off and she saw that she had a message from her fiancé and she smiled as she read it.
Just checking in on you and RJ to see how you're both doing. – Rafael
We're doing good. He's a little active right now. I was at the precinct earlier and everyone wanted to know how he's doing and everything. I'll tell you more about it later. I'm expecting one of my kids soon. – Jayde
Alright. I'm in court all day and I have a few minutes before I have to go back to hell. – Rafael
Buena suerte. I love you. – Jayde