Chapter 47

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I met with (or ran into) the two people that call themselves my parents. I told them what I've been up to over the years. They were surprised that I was married twice and have kids. My mother made a comment about Rafael and his affair. I don't even want to repeat what they said because I'm still upset. My father said that he hoped I would find someone who could put up with me. I got so upset that I told them to fuck off and they were my parents but they were not my family and that I was tired of them treating me like shit. I told them that I wanted nothing to do with them and to leave me the fuck alone. It felt good to finally get it out.
They never asked me how I was doing, how the kids were or that they were proud of me. The whole conversation was about how I would never find someone who could love me. I'm so tired of being treated like this. For the past how many years, every conversation I've had with them has made me upset. I'm their daughter and until they treat me with respect, I want nothing to do with them. #jaydelucyfurnierperriertallarico

Rafael read what Jayde had written and his heart broke for her. He sighed to himself wondering what to write back to her. He looked at the notes under the blog and he saw that she had a few replies so he clicked on the link. He saw that other Tumblr users had left encouraging messages for her. Something that caught his eye was a message left for her from Anthony: I am so sorry. You don't deserve this. I love you and you are the best thing to happen to me. I will always be here for you and I hope things get better for you. – Anthony Rapp

He was surprised by the message since he didn't know that she was dating him. Just wanted to say how sorry I am that you were treated like this. I knew you had problems with your parents but I didn't realize how bad it was. I will always be here for you to vent over coffee. All you have to do is come to my office or text me. I know the squad feels the same way. You don't deserve to be treated like this and I am so sorry, again. – Rafael

It was then he looked up and saw Rita Calhoun waiting to talk to him. He looked at her wondering what she wanted. Last time she was in his office, it cost him his marriage. "Rita. Can I help you with anything?" They talked and it was a comment about Jayde that stopped him in his tracks. "My wife", he repeated. "I guess you didn't know. I got divorced".
Her jaw dropped. "Is it because –"
He nodded. "Yeah".
"Rafael, I am so sorry".
He nodded. "Too late for that, so what can I help you with?"

Anthony texted Jayde to see how she was doing. This made her smile and she sent him a message back: I'm doing better. I saw your message on my Tumblr. Thank you so much for what you said. I really appreciate it. I love you. – Jayde

When she got to the squad room, everyone was looking at her. Amanda came up to her. "We read your new blog. How are you doing?"
"Better". They walked to where everyone was standing. "I had to tell them to eff off eventually and I'm glad that I finally did".
They nodded understandably and Olivia came over. They talked about the case that involved two girls, sisters. The older one was 18 and had moved out after being sexually molested since she was six by their father. Since she moved out, their father had moved on to her ten year old sister. The older sister was trying to get custody of her little sister to get her away from the abuse. The older sister had come in and disclosed everything that was going on.

"Shes 18. It's outside of the statute of limitations", Amanda said.
"But couldn't she be used to tell her story to make the case stronger", Jayde asked.
Everyone looked at Rafael. "How old is the younger sister?"
"Shes 10", Jayde told him. "She said that their father had started abusing her last year after her sister moved out and now she's trying to get custody of her".
He nodded as he looked at the evidence. "Are they willing to testify?"
"I don't know. I could ask".

When they were done talking, he waited for Jayde so he could talk to her. Outside, he approached her. "I read your blog about your parents. Why didn't you tell me?"
She sighed to herself. "I'm sorry, Rafi. I guess I didn't want you to worry about me".
He looked at her. "Jayde, you never have to worry about that. Ever. Now I know why you never talked about them".
"It's just easier to pretend they don't exist. It doesn't hurt when I do that. SVU and the vampires are my family. I don't want the kids to meet them because I don't want them to get hurt".
He nodded. "I get it". They started walking.

"So what now", he asked.
She shrugged. "I don't know. I said what I needed to say and I should have said a long time ago".
"I could get an order of protection for you".
She shook her head. "They're not harassing me".
"Jayde, what they are doing is abuse and I can get them to leave you alone. How long has this been going on?"
"Since I got clean. They wanted me to marry Johnny, become a lawyer but I told them that's not something I wanted to do. They didn't listen until I put my foot down. They agreed for awhile then they started pressuring me to marry him. At the time, I talked to Johnny about getting married but he had just gone through a very messy divorce and he didn't want to get married. After that, every time I talked to them, they asked when we were getting married. I couldn't take it anymore so I stop talking to them".
"I know you're as stubborn as I am but just think about it. If not for you, then for the kids". She nodded and he walked away to go to his office.

Rafael, I thought about your offer. I'm not even know if we even have enough for an OOP. You really think we could get one just by what they've said to me? The only witness I have is Johnny. – Jayde

I'm sure I could get one if you wanted me to. I would just need you to write down or type up everything they have done or said to you. – Rafael

I video chatted with Johnny and he helped me write down everything. I've attached it in the email. He's been there for some of them. I could give you his phone number if you need to talk to him. I just have to tell him I'm giving it to you for obvious reasons. – Jayde

Jayde, I read everything you sent me and I'm wondering why you didn't do this years ago. I'm filing papers to get you the OOP. I would like Johnny's phone number to get more information. It will help make the case stronger. I understand if you can't attach it to your email so feel free to drop it off next time you come by the office. – Rafael

The next day Jayde swung by Rafael's office with an envelope. She saw him at his coffee machine. He was surprised to see her. "I put Johnny's phone number in here. He gave me permission to give it to you and I told him that you might call him. Just don't sell it to the media".
He smiled taking the envelope from her. "Thanks. I promise to guard it with my life".
She nodded and turned to walk out when she saw Rita. "I better get back to work. I'll talk to you later, Rafi and thanks again". He saw her leave and he wanted to run after her. He saw the hurt rise back up in her. He just sighed frozen in place.

Later he called Johnny and left a voicemail for him. "Hey Johnny. It's Rafael Barba. Jayde gave me your phone number. I was just filing papers to get her an order of protection against her parents. I just need more information so if you could call me back, that would be awesome. I hope to hear from you soon".

That evening, Jayde was walking with Anthony. His arm was around her shoulder and her fingers were intertwined with his. "So your ex-husband is helping your ex-husband get a restraining order against your parents?"
She laughed. "If that's not the definition of irony, I don't know what is".
He smiled and kissed her head. "You deserve this, Jayde".
"I know".
He kissed her head again and they heard a voice behind them. "Hey, get a room!"
They turned around and saw Idina. Jayde laughed and gave her a hug.

They stood and talked for awhile before saying goodbye. Both she and Anthony went to her apartment and he kissed her again. "I love you. Always remember that. I'll call you later", he told her. She smiled and shut the door behind him. The sitter told her that the kids were sleeping and so she thanked her. After she left, Jayde got her iPad and went to the couch.

I know I say this a lot, but I am so thankful to have great friends who look out for me and the kids. I'm thankful for two ex-husbands that I can stay friends with and a boyfriend who doesn't care if I fangirl over Rent or broadway. Because of Anthony, I've met Adam Pascal and his wife, Cybele and Idina Menzel who I also am honored to call my friends. 'You always said how lucky you were that we were all friends, but it was us baby who were the lucky ones' – Maureen Johnson.

Just wanted to tell you that I talked to Johnny. He told me everything that he had witnessed and/or you have told him. I have enough to get you the OOP. I will file these shortly and I'll update you as I get more information. I might need you to testify in court but I'll know for sure about that later. – Rafael

Thanks again. Hopefully this will be the last time we have to do this. I'll see you tomorrow at svu after I talk with the girls about testifying. I have a feeling the older sister will be willing to testify but I'm not sure about the younger sister. I'll let you know more after I talk with them. – Jayde

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