Chapter 37

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Thanks for inviting me to be a part of your project. I can't wait to see the final product! – Anthony

It took a few weeks but the ad was up and would be viewed on all internet media. The commercial was fun to make but proved to be tedious at times. The commercial was only a minute but it had to grab the viewers' attention. Finally it was edited and sent out to all mainstream outlets.

Her audience voiced their opinions about the ad and they were mostly positive. Child abuse was not regularly mentioned in the media unless it was a 30-second news story. Everyone was excited and they texted her when they saw it. They all felt proud of what they had done.

Just saw the commercial! It's so fucking cool! – Vincent

The next time Jayde was at work, one of her kids came in with a smile on her face. "I saw you on the internet!"
Jayde smiled. "You saw the commercial?"
A nod. "It's so cool! I can't believe you did that!"
"Well I didn't do it by myself. I had my husband and a lot of friends help me".
"But still!" This made her laugh.

The commercial had made the local news and she was asked to do an interview about it. "What made you want to do something like this?"
"I work with children who have been abused in some way: emotional, physical, sexual, or they were neglected and I felt like, we needed to do something about this so I talked with my husband. We brain stormed and we came up with the idea to do the commercial".
"How did you get people like Alice Cooper and Tim Burton to star in it?"
Jayde laughed. "I've actually known Alice, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler since I was very little. They're family to me. Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter had heard about the project from Johnny Depp and they asked to be involved".
"And the squad of Manhattan Special Victims Unit".
Jayde nodded. "They were the first people we approached with the idea and they were completely on board with it. I worked with them for four years while I was doing my undergraduate and they became my other family".

Really happy at how the commercial turned out and thankful for all my friends and my husband for helping me make an idea into a reality. All it takes to end child abuse is someone to stand up and say 'No More'. Together we can end sexual, physical, mental, emotional abuse and neglect.

Rafael was surprised at how successful the commercial had turned out to be and he was proud of his wife. He was at the precinct with the squad when it premiered. Sonny had his iPad and set it up so everyone could see. Everyone was happy after seeing it and they congratulated Rafael. He smiled. "Congratulate Jayde. It was all her".
Jayde came up behind him with RJ asleep in his stroller. Everyone looked at her and gave her a smile. "Congratulations, Jayde", Fin told her.
RJ fussed as he had just woke up from his nap. Rafael took him out and held him so he could see everyone. He looked at everyone and smiled. "Someone's happy", Sonny noticed.
"He just had a two hour nap so he's pretty rested".
Everyone smiled at little RJ. "He's looks like a Barba", Amanda told her.
Rafael smiled. "He's got my good looks. Its genetics". RJ cooed as if he agreed.

Everyone had to get back to work but they all congratulated her and said goodbye to RJ. Rafael had to get back to his office so they walked over with him. When they got to his building, he said goodbye to his wife and son. "I have to get back. I'll see you around 7-ish".
"Ok. We'll be hanging out. I love you". RJ cooed.
They started walking out when she heard someone call out to Rafael. He turned around and saw Rita Calhoun. "Rita. I wasn't expecting you".
She looked back at Jayde who was walking out. "Who was that lovely woman?"
"That was my wife".
Rita's jaw dropped. "Since when did you get married?"
"We've been married for two months. How can I help you?"

Rita Calhoun just asked me about you. We've been outed. – Rafael
Good lord. I promise I won't alert the media. – Jayde
I love you and your sarcasm. – Rafael
I learned from the best, amor. Jk. It was always there. You just helped me perfect it. – Jayde

He laughed to himself as he sat down at his desk. That night he came home to his wife and son dancing to Adele. RJ was tired and cranky and Jayde was trying to get him to go to sleep. Rafael came over to them. "He's cranky and won't go down for the night".
Rafael took him from her and started moving around with him. He instantly stopped crying.
"He was just waiting for you", Jayde told him. "How did the meeting with Rita go?"
"It was good. Just the usual bantering". Jayde smiled watching her husband and son.

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