Chapter 50

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It was New Years Eve and Jayde was answering questions from her ask box on Tumblr. She had a glass of wine and was ready to go.

What's the best way to get over a breakup?
Get a tub of ice cream and put on some angry Alanis Morissette (I recommended You Oughta Know). When the ice cream is gone, say Fuck it and move on.

My friend is self conscious and I want to help her.
Oh, honey. I'm sorry. Tell her everything you love about her and/or write it down so she can look at it whenever she wants. Remind her every time you see her until she believes it.

How do you remain so positive?
I don't even know sometimes. I look at my kids and remind myself how lucky I am to have great kids and friends.

What's your favorite curse?
Probably the f-word. I say it way too much.

Are you and the kids Taylor Swift fans?
Hell yeah! We're a family of Swifties. My girls love her!

Best advice you've ever got?
Don't give a shit what people think about you. Be who you want.

How would you describe your kids individually?
Steven is his own child. He is a teenager inside a child's body.
Kiera is our princess. She always wants to help.
RJ loves his older brother and always wants to be with him. He loves helping with his little sister.
Lucia is our baby. She wants to be wherever the older kids are.

Do you still talk to Lily and Jack?
Of course. I text with Lily all the time. Jack is a teen so I don't talk with him that much.

Not a question, I just want to tell you that I love reading your blog. It's helped me get through hard times by making me laugh.
Oh I'm so happy to hear that! Humor is the best way to get through hard times.

Favorite female rockers?
Alanis Morissette, Avril Lavigne, Joan Jett and Sheryl Crow. I love how they are badass and don't give a shit.

Favorite Johnny Depp movies?
Oh good lord. I knew someone was going to ask me that. I totally love the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Captain Jack Sparrow is a legend! Or Sweeney Todd. I can't pick just one.

How would you describe the squad individually (from Amanda)?
Olivia is badass, don't take no shit
Fin looks out for everyone. He's Mr. Cool
Sonny is Sonshine.
Amanda is kickass
Rafael is Mr. Badass in a suit

If you could meet any celebrity dead or alive, who would you pick?
Robin Williams. He was a comic genius and I would love to pick his brain. Plus, he seems like a great person in general.

Well my date is here so I have to go. I want to thank everyone for their questions. I hope everyone has a great New Years and I'll talk with everyone next year!

The doorbell rang and she knew that Anthony was there to pick her up. She closed her iPad then went to open the door. "Wow. You look beautiful!"
She laughed. "You look pretty handsome yourself". She grabbed her purse and then walked out with Anthony. He kissed her cheek. They had made plans to meet up with Adam and his wife. They found the couple at a bar by Times Square. Adam saw them and waved them over.

"Anthony! Jayde! It's great to see you again", he told them.
"Hey Adam! Cybele it's great to see both of you", she told them.
After giving out hugs, they sat down in a booth. "So how is Jayde", Cybele asked her.
"I'm doing great. How about you?"
"I'm doing good".

They all ordered drinks while they waited for midnight. At 11:50, they got up and went out to Times Square after paying for their drinks. The area was packed with New Yorkers and they saw the ball start to drop. The crowd counted down and when the ball dropped, she wrapped her arms around Anthony and he kissed her holding her close.

He then took her hand and led her out of the crowd. Adam looked around after noticing they had disappeared. He and Cybele went to look for them. When they got to a less crowded area, Anthony got down on one knee. "Jayde, I know you've been married before, but I was wondering if you could give me a chance".
"Yes!" He opened the box and took out the ring then put it on her finger. Adam and Cybele had seen the proposal and they went over to them.
"Congratulations", she told her.

They walked around the city and said Happy New Years to everyone. Anthony had his arm around her as she admired her ring. It showed in the glow of the street lights. He looked at her and kissed her cheek. They were approached by Idina who gave everyone a hug. Adam told her that Anthony had proposed to Jayde. Her jaw dropped. "Congratulations!" She wrapped her into a hug. "Oh my god, we need to have a Rent reunion!"
Jayde laughed and looked at Anthony who was also laughing. They continued walking around the city before sitting down on a bench. Jayde put her head on Anthony's shoulder.
"I love you so much", she told him. "Happy New Years".
He kissed her. "I love you, too. Happy New Years".

Third times the charm? I'm so happy to announce that Anthony proposed to me at midnight! This old fart got engaged! Happy New Years to everyone!

After saying goodbye to Idina, Adam and Cybele, they went back to his place. He kissed her after they got to his place and closed the door. She wrapped her arms around him. "Jayde Lucy Rapp", he said softly to her.
She laughed. "I like the sound of that". They kissed again and went to his room. They walked to his bed and they took off his shirt. He then took off her dress while kissing her neck. She laid down and took off his pants and boxers. He got on top and started going down her body. She moaned softly as she ran her fingers through his hair as he opened her legs. He went down to her opening and started going in and out with his tongue.

She moaned as she arched her back. She threw her her head back on the bed and she opened her legs wider to give him more access. Her body was wet for him. She moaned for him. "That feels so good". He continued going in and out of her. He put his fingers by her opening and started rubbing. "I'm going to come", she told him. She could feel herself work to her release and she moaned as she came on his hands.

He got up and kissed her as he came between her. His hands went down her body as he started moving in and out. His lips went to her neck. "I need you", she moaned. She could feel him inside her and he thrusted harder and faster. He pressed his body closer to hers and she dug her fingers into his back. He kissed her as he continued thrusting. His hands intertwined with hers and they brought them over her head. They could feel each other work to their release. "I'm going to come", he told her. He groaned as he came inside her.

He pulled out and looked at her. He laid beside her wet body. He pulled some of her hair back. He kissed her deeply. "I can't wait to marry you".
"Mrs. Jayde Rapp", she repeated. He laughed and kissed her again. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

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