Chapter 77

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Amanda saw Jayde's post and she was proud of her and Rafael working things out. They had learned not to give up on their marriage for themselves and their kids. Neither of them wanted to get divorced again. I'm so happy that you and Barba were able to work things out! I'm proud of both of you! – Amanda

The squad noticed that they were happier and Olivia watched them as they bickered back-and-forth over a case. As they were leaving, she came over to them. "Looks like you were able to work things out".
They smiled. "He's not getting rid of me that easily", Jayde told her. Rafael laughed to himself. She nodded. "Good to have you back, both of you".

I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love. I'm still looking up.

Orlando texted her again after he saw the article about them. Welcome to Hollywood, right? Lol – Jayde

You don't want to know how many things they've said about me. I suppose you know about the paparazzi and tabloids from being with Johnny. They never go away. You just learn to deal with them. – Orlando

Omg. For real. As long as they don't put pictures or talk about the kids, I don't fucking care what they say about me. My husband isn't used to seeing his wife in the tabloids so he's had to get used to it. Ps I have a blog of you are interested. It's called – Jayde

The kids were happy that they were still together and weren't getting divorced again as were the squad. Amanda especially was relieved that they weren't separating. Both Jayde and Rafael were sitting on the couch watching Santana play on the floor. She talked to her dolls as she told them what to do. "Can I ask you a question, cariño?"
"Depends on what it is".
He smiled. "It's not like that. I was just wondering about something. In your coming out post, you said that you had fallen in love with a woman. Is it someone I know?"
"What makes you say that?"
"Just curious. I was watching you with Rollins".
She thought. "Yeah, I was in love with her. That's how I knew. I never told her".
He nodded. "She's beautiful".
She laughed. "Yeah she is but she's straight. Jesse told me that she was in love with her too but she turned her down".
"Are you going to tell her?"
She sighed. "I don't know how".

Awhile back I came out but it was a conversation with my husband that I told him how I realized I was bi. I had started having feelings for a female friend, who identifies as straight. Everything about her made me fall in love more and more and this scared me. I had only felt like this towards men. It took awhile for me to realize that these feelings were ok. I also had fallen for my favorite female actress (whose name I'm keeping to myself). I'm telling everyone this to get it out and to tell everyone who is struggling with their sexual identity, that it's ok to have these feelings. If anyone wants to talk about their struggles with their sexual orientation, I'm always going to be here for you. You don't have to feel alone.

Amanda happened to be scrolling on Tumblr when she came across Jayde's post. It caught her attention and she read it. Although she wasn't mentioned specifically, she knew that she was talking about her. Secretly, she had noticed Jayde acting differently towards her and it was something that she tried to hide. She thought of what to do and after awhile, she decided to text her. Just wanted to tell you that I saw your new blog entry. I wanted you to know that I thought you were in love with me but I didn't want to say anything. I'm honored, to be honest. I am straight but I don't want to lose you as a friend. You are such a strong person and I am always amazed by you. I hope you're not nervous about seeing me at the precinct and I hope I don't hurt you. Please talk to me. – Amanda
Hey, Amanda. Thanks for what you said. I'm not hurt but thanks for thinking of me. You have always been there for me and I do want to keep you as a friend. I always need someone to gossip with. – Jayde

Amanda smiled when she received her response. She knew that Jayde would want to keep her identity secret so she decided not to tell anyone, although it was obvious that Rafael knew but he was the only one who did. The next time Jayde was at the precinct, she and Rafael exchanged knowing glances at each other when Jayde wasn't looking.

Later he caught her by herself. "So, you know about –"
She nodded. "I texted with her about it and I told her that I was honored. We decided to remain friends because she needs that".
He nodded. "She looks up to you".
"I know she does and she's like my little sister. I don't care what she identifies with as long as she's happy. She deserves that more than anyone".
He nodded again. "I know she does. I'm happy that you are there for her and always have been. You are probably the only stability she has in her life". With that, he turned and walked back to his office.

Hey. It's Orlando. I saw your blog. It's very interesting. You have quite the mind and I'm having fun learning about you and your life. I'm proud of you for coming out and I'm happy that things are getting better for you. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to text. I promise I won't go to the tabloids. I will also check out your blog regularly. – Orlando

Rafael came home and saw his wife asleep with Elizabeth playing on her iPad. Santana was also asleep in her arms but she woke up when Rafael came over. "Papa", she said excitedly. Jayde woke up after hearing her daughter's voice. "Hola, mi esposo".
He smiled and sat on the couch beside her. "Long day?"
She yawned. "Yeah. Just the usual. How about you?"
"Same. How about Santana? Did you have a long day?"
She shook her head. "No. I play".
He smiled at her. "I wish I could do that sometimes".
Jayde laughed. "Don't we all". She sat up and Santana crawled down to the floor to play with her toys. "Orlando texted me about my blog. He said that he would check it out more often".
"You blog so much, you should get paid to do it".
She laughed. "Then it wouldn't be fun anymore. I started blogging for myself then people just started visiting it".

"I didn't expect anyone to find it. I accidentally left it open on my iPad one day and Amanda found it. Then the whole squad found it".
He smiled. "I think Fin showed me".
She laughed. "Good lord, Fin". She smiled. "Blogging is very therapeutic actually. I can obsess over little things and there are other people who are obsessing over the same things. Like, Johnny fan blogs. That's how I follow what he's up to".
He laughed. "I remember your pictures of him".
"I have to support my best friend".
"And that secret favorite actress".
"And you want me to tell you who she is".
"Yes but not if you don't want to tell me".

"You would think I was insane". He looked at her and she laughed. "I'll give you a clue, I'm watching her right now".
Rafael looked at her iPad and saw Cate Blanchett on the screen. He shook his head smiling. "Ok I can understand her and maybe Amanda. How old is she?"
She laughed. "I don't even know. I'll have to google it". She grabbed her phone and looked her up. "Oh good lord".
She showed Rafael who laughed. "An older woman, Jayde?"
"I didn't think she was that old. Not that she's old".
He laughed again.

He thought about his conversation with Amanda and whether or not he should tell her. "I uh, actually talked to Rollins earlier and I told her that you look up to her".
"What did she say?"
"She knew that and she wants to be there for you she thinks of you like a little sister".
Jayde nodded. "I know she has a sister but she has some problems so I'm honored that she thinks of me like that".
He nodded again. "I've dealt with her sister. She's a handful".
"So I've heard. She was worried about hurting me but I told her that she wasn't. I realized a long time ago that she was straight and I realized that she could be a friend. I don't have very many girl friends. I mostly get along with guys. It's probably because I grew up around Johnny and his friends but I've always been more comfortable with them than girls. Teen girls are too emotional and dramatic. Guys don't give a shit".

This made him laugh. "Sometimes until you have two guys fighting over a girl or a woman".
She laughed. "I can't imagine fighting with Sonny over a girl. Oh my god".
He smiled as he sat beside her and she laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you even when you're crazy, cariño".
"I love you too, Rafi".

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