Chapter 19

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Jayde was at a benefit for AIDS awareness by herself. Her husband Johnny would have joined her but he had to stay overseas for the various films he was doing. Before she left for the event, she took a picture of herself and sent it to him. Sonny and Amanda had volunteered to watch the kids while she went out for the night. The first person she saw that night was Anthony. He came over and gave her a hug. "Hey! It's nice to see you again", he told her.

After releasing himself from the hug, he told her that he wanted her to meet some people. She followed him to where some people where standing. He then introduced her to Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel. "This is Jayde Depp. She's a fan of the show".
"It's nice to meet you both", she told them.
"Of course. You're a fan of the show", Idina asked.
"Yeah. I've seen the show once and I've seen the movie more times that I can count. I actually own the DVD. I made my husband watch it once".
This made them laugh. "What'd he think?"
"He liked it. He's not real into musicals though".

They sat down at their table and she was excited to find out that she was seated with them. She spent the night between presenters and speakers talking about her kids and Anthony told them about her blog. "I mostly blog about my life and my kids".
Idina seemed to be interested in her kids. "Cute! What's their names?"
"I have a little boy named Steven. He's two and I have a little girl. Her name is Kiera, she's a few months". She took out her phone and opened the photos app. After opening a picture, she handed the phone to her.
"Oh my god! They're so cute!" Idina showed the picture to Adam who agreed that they were adorable.

It was a little later that they realized who she was. "Hold on, you know Johnny Depp", Adam asked.
Jayde laughed. "Yeah. He's my husband". They all seemed star struck and she thought it was funny. She was used to people freaking out once they realized who she was married to. In reality, she was freaking out over meeting them. It was at the end of the night that she got pictures with them for her blog and she wrote down the name of her blog for both Adam and Idina.

Just got home from the amfAR benefit. It was so inspiring to see people who care about AIDS awareness. I ran into Anthony Rapp who introduced me to Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel, who are totally awesome! Idina and I shared mommy horror stories. Being able to meet three stars of my favorite Broadway show and find out that they're sweethearts makes me love Rent that much more. It was because of Rent that I got into AIDS awareness. 'Act up. Fight AIDS!' It's amazing how far we've come with AIDS research since the 80's. Too many people have died from this disease and people are still dying.

At the end of the post, she attached the pictures she had taken then went to bed since it was late and she had to be up for work. When she woke up, she saw that she had a text waiting for her from Johnny asking how her night was. Sorry. I just saw this. I got home, updated my blog then went to bed. The event was awesome! I got to meet up with Anthony Rapp and he introduced me to Idina Menzel and Adam Pascal! I'd tell you all the details but it's too long for a text message. I'll tell you about it later. I love you. – Jayde

Hey love. Don't worry about it. I figured you had got home late. I'm glad you had fun! I'm excited to hear about it! I'm also happy that you got to meet your favorite broadway stars! I hope you have a great day. I love you. – Johnny

Later as she was walking to Rafael's office, he called out to her and she turned around after hearing his voice. "Hey! How's Barba today?"
"Not too bad. I saw your blog this morning".
"About meeting Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel? They are the coolest people. Anthony is too".
He smiled. "I'm happy you got to meet them. You'll have to tell me every juicy detail".
"I for real will. It's because of you that I got to meet Anthony. By the way, Steven has given you the honor of being known as Uncle Rafi".
He smiled. "Tell him I'm honored to be Uncle Rafi".

Still walking on clouds from last night. #forreal I had work, Rafael and class. I swear my Human Sexuality class will be the death of me. It's extremely interesting but the homework is a pain. Thankfully I'm almost done with this semester. My son Steven has given Rafael the honor of being known as Uncle Rafi. He's now officially a part of the Depp family.

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