Chapter 69

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"I don't even know what song I would sing. I don't think I have the voice for rock n roll".
"I'm sure we could think of something, doll. I'll find some songs and I'll send them to you. How's that? I'll get the guys to help".
"You know I'm doing this because I love you, Vincent, Steven and Anthony".
"I know".
"Ok, I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you about this more later. I love you".
"I love you too, J". Jayde had just walked into the squad room when she hung up. Everyone was waiting for her. "Sorry. Only of my kids was having a tough day so I stayed with her".
Olivia frowned. "Is she ok?"
"Yeah. She just needed an ear to talk to".

They went over the case they had been working on for the past week. A thirteen year old girl was pregnant and she disclosed that her uncle had raped her. He told her not to tell anyone but she disclosed after her mother brought her to the ER. Thankfully the mother believed her daughter and wanted her brother-in-law in prison for what he had done. "Her mother wants him in prison and she's encouraging her daughter to testify".
"Will she testify", Olivia asked.
"I think she will. She's scared but she knows that it's the right thing to do".
She nodded. "Alright. I'll call Barba".
Amanda walked her out. "How are things with you and Jesse?"
"Great, as far as I know. Unless she told you something different".
"All she told me was a misunderstanding between you and Barba".
"That's all it was. Her friend saw us together and she assumed we were on a date but we were just talking about something that happened".
Amanda raised her eyebrows. "Which was?"

"You can't tell anyone, ok?"
Amanda sighed. "As long as it doesn't hurt Jesse".
"Good lord, no. I slept with Rafael after I broke up with Sonny but before I met her and she saw my texts to him on my phone. She then heard from a friend that I was holding hands with him. I told her what happened before I met her and that I was at a bar with him to talk about what happened. I told her that I was holding his hands across the table but I love her and I would never cheat on her".
"It was a misunderstanding, then. Ok".
"Yeah, I promise you 100%. He said that he respects that I'm with her and he doesn't want to mess that up".
Amanda smiled. "Well I'm glad you both are happy".

Later Jayde was at home with Lucia and Santana. "Santana, you have to share".
Santana screeched as she took another toy. Lucia looked at her mother who came over to them. "Santana. You have to share".
"No!" She then gave her older sister one of her dolls.
"Thank you, Santana for sharing", Lucia told her.
Santana smiled at her mother. They heard a knock on the door so Jayde got up to see who it was. She saw Santana run up to her. Once they opened the door, they saw Jesse. "Hey, what's going on?"
Jesse looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Can I come in?"
"Of course. Santana, watch out. Mommy's going to open the door".
Santana got out of the way but she looked at the strange woman. They all went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Santana sat back on the floor with the dolls. "What's going on?"
"I can't do this anymore, Jayde. I don't know what you want".
This surprised her and she looked at her daughters. "Lucy, can you watch your sister for awhile?"
Lucia nodded. "Ok, mommy".

They went to Jayde's bedroom and closed the door. "What's going on? Please tell me".
"I keep hearing rumors about you. I can't do this anymore".
"Jesse. I don't know where you're hearing these rumors but I only love you".
"I can't tell you".
"What do you mean? I need to know".
Jesse looked around. "You know her. Rita Calhoun".
Her eyes got big. "How do you know Rita?"
"She's my mother".
"The fuck. You're Rita Calhoun's daughter? This is just fucking perfect! I know why she's doing this. She had an affair with my husband Rafael. I can't fucking believe this".

Jesse looked at her. "I'm sorry, Jayde. I can't do this. I can't be with you". With that, she left leaving Jayde to wonder what the hell happened. The next day Jayde stormed into Rafael's office. He was surprised to see her but he could tell she was upset. "Did you know Rita Calhoun had a daughter?"
"No I didn't. What's going on?"
Jayde went over to his desk. "Apparently Jesse is Rita's daughter and Rita has been telling her that I've been cheating on her. She came to my apartment last night and she broke up with me".
Rafael looked at her wondering what she was telling him. "Slow down. Rita is the mother of your girlfriend who convinced her that you are cheating on her?"
"Yeah and she broke up with me last night".
He breathed out. "Wow. I..."
She nodded. "I don't know why she would do this. I don't mean to sound paranoid, but think about it. She kissed you, was the opposing attorney when I testified against my parents and then broke up mine and Jesse's relationship".

"Take a deep breath, Jayde".
"Ok, I'm sorry".
He smiled. "Why do you think she would do this?"
"I don't know".
He nodded. "I know you don't like to hear this, but I am sorry for this. I can't cut her out completely because we unfortunately work together but I'll be more careful about what I say around her and I'm sorry it didn't work out with Jesse".
She nodded. "Yeah. Me too". With that, she left his office. He sat back down at his desk as he thought about what Jayde had told him. He could see how hurt she was and it wasn't fair.

Because of circumstances outside of my control, I am now single. Unfortunately there was a third party involved in our breakup but I will not talk about that on here.

I talked to Rita who admitted to everything. Her excuse was that she thought Jesse deserved better. You don't deserve this and again, I'm so sorry. She blindsided both of us. I will not be in contact with her anymore and I notified her supervisor. – Rafael

I'm shocked and surprised that she would do something childish like this. Just because she doesn't like me? I don't even know her. Anyway, I won't rant to you. I am very angry but I won't take it out on you. – Jayde

You're too nice, Jayde. You can rant to me all you want. How about I meet you for drinks like the good old days. – Rafael

Sounds tempting. I'll call my sitter and meet you at the usual place at 7. – Jayde

Rafael walked in and went to their usual place in the back. He saw her immediately and he sat down beside her. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing a little better. I'm still angry".
He nodded. "I don't blame you. I'm angry too".
She looked at everybody mingling around. He put his hand on her's. She looked down and smiled. He leaned in and kissed her. She returned the kiss happily. He pulled away then looked at her. "I was hoping you could give me another chance".
"I was wondering when you were going to ask that".
He laughed and put his forehead on hers. "Of course".
"I think I could do that. We might have to ask the kids about it first".
He smiled. "Of course".

They got up out of the booth and went back to her apartment where the kids were waiting. "Why is daddy here?"
They went out to where the kids were playing or doing homework. All five kids came over to them. "I was talking to Rafael and we wanted to take a vote. We were thinking of getting back together but we wanted to ask you guys if that was ok".
The kids thought about it. "You mean daddy lives here again and we're a family", RJ asked.
"Is that ok", Rafael asked.
All the kids nodded. "No", Santana yelled.
The kids laughed. "You don't even know what we're talking about", Steven told her.

Sometimes life works in mysterious ways. After years of being divorced, Rafael and I have decided to start over. Here's to looking forward and not back. #forgetregret

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