Chapter 16

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Just wanted to tell you congratulations on the birth of your daughter! I can't wait to meet her. I bet Steven is a happy big brother! – Rafael

It was four in the afternoon and Jayde had just given birth to her daughter, Kiera Elise Depp after 10 hours of labor. She was a few days late and Johnny had flown in for the birth. He held his wife's hand as she delivered their little girl. After getting the ok, the squad came in and they cooed over Kiera. She was a healthy baby with a head full of dark brown hair and brown eyes.

The squad took turns holding her and they all congratulated them. Sonny brought Steven in to meet his baby sister. He smiled at her. "Pretty baby", he said. He leaned down and kissed her. "That my baby?" This made everyone laugh.
"She's you're baby sister. Her name is Kiera", Johnny explained to him.
"Kiera", he repeated. "Baby Kiera".

They spent a few days in the hospital before they were discharged. Steven was interested in everything she did. "No cry, Kiera. No cry", he told her when she started crying. He kissed her which made her stop crying. She looked at her big brother. He gasped and jumped up and down. "Mommy! She not crying!"
Johnny came over and picked him up. "You have to be careful around your sister, ok", he told him. He grabbed a cabbage patch doll and showed him how to hold his little sister. He took the doll and held it like his mommy was holding his sister.

Since Rafael didn't like hospitals, he visited them at home. This time everyone hoped that she wouldn't spit up on him. "That my baby", Steven told him.
Rafael laughed. "She's beautiful".
Kiera looked at him and yawned. "She tired", Steven asked. Rafael looked at him and smiled. "Maybe. I bet she sleeps a lot". Steven nodded.

The next week, the family was doing photo shoot and interview for People magazine. They had asked Lily and Jack if they wanted to join them but they declined so it was Jayde, Johnny, Steven and Kiera. Steven charmed everyone by being cute. "Steven, come over here. They want to take your picture", Johnny told him. He ran over to where his daddy was. The photographers took pictures of the two of them playing together. They then took pictures of the whole family together on the couch. The interviewer asked them questions about their marriage, falling in love and being a family. At the end, Steven started crying. Johnny picked him up as he and Jayde thanked them.

A few months later, she came into work and she found a copy of the magazine sitting on her desk. Amanda saw her and smiled. "It's a cute article. I've got a copy at home". She smiled as she sat down. "Just so you all know, I'm not doing autographs". Everyone laughed. Later Rafael emailed her. I got a copy of People magazine and I was surprised to see a familiar face greeting me. It's always an honor to be friends with a celebrity, even one from SVU. – Rafael

Thank you. I just hope you're not looking for an autograph because I'm not giving any, unless of course the offer comes with a free coffee then I might change my mind. – Jayde

How about I throw in a free coffee for you and something for the kids? I believe this is an offer that cannot be refused. I'll even have it framed on my desk. – Rafael

I'm almost tempted to accept your offer. I'll take a grande vanilla latte from Starbucks with whipped cream on top (joking). – Jayde

How I've missed your sarcasm. Let's just say it's a deal. You know I don't like losing. – Rafael

Fine. It's a deal! I'll buy a copy, autograph it and have on your desk tomorrow after I drop the kids off at the sitter's. Should I autograph one for Carmen as well? – Jayde

Rafael didn't know how to answer this so he decided not to. In all honesty, he hadn't even asked her if she wanted one. He figured that if Jayde wanted to, she would autograph one for her. The next day he got to work and saw an autographed copy of the magazine waiting for him along with a note from Jayde: to the best ADA in the city of Manhattan. He laughed and shook his head. Carmen came in and noticed the magazine laying on his desk. "I got one, too", she told him.

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