Chapter 38

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WARNING: mentions of child abuse

Three years of marriage and Rafael and Jayde were still deeply in love as they were when they first got married. They had three kids and she was pregnant with their fourth and final child. Since they had a son together and Jayde's two children from her previous marriage, they decided to try for one more. They both wanted a girl to even the girl:boy ratio. The couple were in the doctors office and they were nervous. Finally they were called back and they followed the nurse back into a room where they would have their ultrasound.

They looked at the screen and after confirming the baby was developing the way he or she was supposed to, the doctor asked if they wanted to know the sex. They both agreed so the doctor tried to find the baby's gender. "It's a girl!"
Jayde looked at the screen in shock. Her hand was over her mouth. "Oh my god! Our little princess!"
Rafael stared at the screen as well not knowing what to say.

That night they talked about names. "Lucia Catalina", he suggested. "For my mom and abuela".
She smiled. "I love it!"

Unfortunately after three kids, we've run out of witty ideas to tell everyone that I'm pregnant again, so here's our announcement: COMING SOON, LUCIA CATALINA BARBA!

Everyone was excited again for the couple and Amanda asked her how many babies she planned on having. "This is our last one. I don't think we can handle more than four kids. Thank god we'll only have one in diapers this time".
"How old are Steven, Kiera and RJ?"
"Six, four and three".
"Wow. I can't imagine having more than one".
"Steven wasn't planned, Kiera was, RJ was and this one was. We both wanted a girl and we're naming her after Rafael's mom and grandmother".
Amanda smiled. "That's cute".

Later that day, RJ was playing with Steven on the floor as Kiera played next to them. Jayde was on the couch watching her kids playing while Rafael was doing his usual multi tasking. She rubbed her stomach after feeling Lucia kick. Rafael looked over at her and smiled. "Is she kicking you again?"
"Just a little".
Kiera looked over at them. "Tell her to stop kicking you. It's not nice".
Jayde laughed. "It's ok, princess. She's not hurting me".
"Ok", she then went back to playing.

It's amazing how your life can change. Never in my life would I think that I would have three happy, healthy children and a gorgeous husband. It's amazing what life can throw at you. I'm so blessed. Before I got married the first time, my life was going out to bars with my friends and now I'm just content being mommy. Maybe it's because I've grown up, but going out drinking doesn't appeal to me anymore. My life has gone from partying, to being a wife and mother. I wouldn't trade my life right now for anything.

That night the couple were at an event to raise awareness about child abuse. During the event, Jayde would be accepting an award for her efforts to raise awareness and end child abuse. She had worked hard for the past six years and now she was getting an award. She and Rafael were dressed up for the event and her baby bump was noticeable, but she didn't care. Rafael came up to her before they left. "You look beautiful, Cariño". He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

At the event, they were seated with the squad. They were happy to see her and they all talked. "I can't believe you're having another baby, no offense", Fin told her.
She smiled. "It's fine. This one is our last. Four kids is enough".
"Are the kids excited", Olivia asked.
"Steven's kind over babies but Kiera and RJ are excited".
"Are you having a boy or a girl?"
"A girl", Rafael told them excitedly. "Lucia Catalina".

Later, Rafael got on stage to introduce his wife. "I am honored to be here tonight to give this award to someone who has spent her free time raising awareness to end child abuse. She is not only my wife, but she is the reason why countless children have a safe place to stay tonight. She not only listens to their stories, but she also stands up for them and says No More. I would like to give Jayde Barba this award for her tireless efforts to educate the public, raise awareness and end child abuse and neglect".

Jayde got on stage as people applauded her. "Wow. I would like to say thank you to everyone and my husband for his support and encouragement. When I started my job many years ago, I realized how many children were coming in because they had been abused or neglected. One of my first cases was a 10 year old girl who had become pregnant after her mother's boyfriend raped her repeatedly. Another case was the same, except the girl was a 15 year old who had runaway from an abusive home. She had recently found out that she was also pregnant.

One day I came home mentally exhausted and my husband asked me what was wrong. I told him what had happened that day and we both knew that we needed to do something. Now because of him and the detectives of Manhattan Special Victims Unit, there are children who don't have to be afraid to go to sleep every night because they know they are safe. I just wanted to say, thank you again".

As she got down, Rafael got up and helped her back to her table. At the end of the night, people came up and congratulated her. "You picked a winner", someone said to Rafael. He smiled and looked at his wife. "I did. Thank you". The squad came up to her and congratulated her. "Thank you but it was a group effort".
"How are you doing with your job", Sonny asked.
"It's like SVU, you wonder sometimes if you're making a difference but then you see the kids change and you realize that you are".
When they got home, she put the award in the living room where it wouldn't be knocked over. Rafael came up behind her and wrapped her in a hug. "I love you so much and I am so proud of you".
She kissed him. "I love you, too". They went in to their bedroom and got ready for bed.

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