Chapter 27

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Anthony, I've decided to stay with my boyfriend. I still do want to remain friends if you'll still interested in that. Please reply back – Jayde

I've thought about it and I would like to have you as a friend. Adam and Idina ask me about you all the time. Maybe we can get together at the next AIDS benefit. – Anthony

Forget regret. It had become her favorite quote and she thought about it every time she wore the necklace Anthony had given her. Even though they weren't together anymore, she kept the necklace. She was with Rafael at his office as she waited for him to finish up for the day. He spent every minute he wasn't at work with her and the kids. He was there so much, she thought of having him move in with them.

They talked about this on their way to her place. "You basically live here anyway and the kids love you".
He smiled and nodded. When they got to her apartment, they asked Steven about it. "You live here with me and mommy and Kiera?"
Rafael laughed. "Is that ok with you?" Steven thought about it for a second then nodded.
"Alright", Rafael said laughing.

That weekend, Rafael moved all his stuff over to Jayde's. "Good lord. How many suits do you have", she asked him.
"When you're the ADA, you have to look your best".
"You already look your best".
He smiled and kissed her which grossed Steven out. "Ew he got mommy germs!" Both Jayde and Rafael laughed then went back to unpacking. It took a whole day to move in and rearrange and they were exhausted when they were done. Jayde decided to order pizza for everyone. She left the room which made Kiera cry. Rafael went over to her and picked her up. Surprisingly she stopped crying.

Jayde came back and saw Rafael holding her daughter. "Mommy, Kiera was crying but now she's not".
"He looks good with a baby". Rafael laughed as Kiera put her head on his shoulder. She rubbed her eye then frowned. "She's getting tired. I'll go get her ready for bed". Rafael handed Kiera back to Jayde. "I'll be right back". He sat down and started playing with Steven until the doorbell rang. They went to the door and saw Olivia and Sonny. She looked down at Steven. "Hi is your mommy here?"
"She's putting Kiera to bed. My uncle Rafi is here". Rafael heard his name and he opened the door then told Steven to go play while he talked. Both Olivia and Sonny were surprised to see him. "Mommy, there's two people at the door". Jayde came back out after switching places with Rafael.

"Hey, what's going on", Jayde asked them.
"I was going to ask you the same thing. Is it ok if we come in?" Jayde opened the door and let them in. "It's a little messy. The kids were just playing". They stepped over the toys to the couch. Rafael came back out after putting Kiera to bed. "How long have you been living here", Olivia asked Rafael.
"I moved in today. Jayde asked me to". Steven looked at the adults.
Olivia nodded. "Well we just wanted to talk to Jayde about something she came up with".
Jayde got up and went over to her book bag. She pulled out her binder. "Suspect, white male". She handed the notes to Olivia who looked them over. "Great! This is exactly what we need!"
"I was going to give them to you but I blanked out". Olivia nodded again.
"You going to eat pizza with us", Steven asked them.
"We have to get back to work, buddy", Sonny told him. "Maybe another time".
"Ok. You tell mommy and then you can have pizza".
Everyone laughed and Sonny gave him a high five before leaving. Olivia gave them a look that they would be talking. Jayde and Rafael exchanged looks. They had been caught.

Of coarse Olivia called her in the next Monday. "I was surprised to see Barba in your apartment. He moved in that day?"
Jayde nodded. "I asked him to because Steven loves him and he was always there anyway. I just thought it would be easier than coming over and then back to his apartment every night".
A nod. "I knew you too were dating I was just surprised that you were living together. It doesn't seem like something he would do".
"He's been around Steven since my assault. He came over to check on me and he came over after I had Kiera. Steven adopted him then I got divorced and I was dating Anthony for six months and he told me that he still loved me after I broke up with Anthony".
"Wow. He told me this started after you two started emailing".
"Yeah it did. He found my blog and he found out that I had a crush on him but I was married to Johnny".
Olivia nodded again. Since she wasn't a detective, there wasn't a conflict of interest. She gave a smile. "Well I'm happy if you two are happy".
"Thanks. I know this is bad but he's more of a dad to the kids than Johnny. He's here, there and everywhere but Rafael, he comes home every night and plays with them".

That night she and Rafael were on her couch enjoying a glass of wine. The kids were asleep so they had some adult time. "How'd it go with Liv", he asked.
"It went great. She was just surprised and curious. She's happy for us though. I told her that you're more like a dad to Steven and Kiera than – " she tilted her head not wanting to say his name in case the kids were listening. "He's off here, there and everywhere".
He smiled. "Good so she's happy. I just never thought I would be a dad. I just never saw myself having kids until I met you and I got to hold Steven and Kiera. They're great. Steven's very smart and Kiera is a total cinnamon roll".
Jayde cracked up. She covered her mouth. "Oh my god. I never thought you would say that".
They both laughed for a few minutes. He started thinking. "Do you think you'll ever get married again?"
She thought. "It would have to be the right person". She took a sip of her wine. "Are you asking if it was you, would I want to?"
He smiled. "You know me too well".
"If it was you, I'd say yes". He kissed her cheek knowing what he wanted to do. He just wanted to wait until the perfect time. She was the one he had been waiting for.

The next week he enlisted the help of Steven. "You have to keep it secret, ok?" Steven nodded. Rafael, Steven and Kiera went to the jewelry store and looked at rings. "Which one do you think mommy will like?" He held out two rings and Steven thought.
"That one", he pointed. Rafael agreed and he paid for the ring. The three of them went home and waited for Jayde to get home. When she did, she walked into a bunch of balloons. Steven called her over. After making her way through, she saw Rafael waiting for her.

He got down. "Jayde, I've realized how much I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
"Yes!" She got down and he put the ring on her finger. They got up and he wrapped her in a kiss. "I love you so much, Cariño! You just made me the happiest man!"
"I love you so much!"

Guess who popped the question! After several years of flirting and bickering back-and-forth, I finally get to call Rafael Barba my fiancé. We are very happy and in love.

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