Chapter 9

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This was inspired by tonight's episode.
WARNING: assault

I love you. Those were the last words Johnny told her before kissing her goodbye. Now she was in the hospital after being attacked. She was coming home from work when someone came up behind her and hit her over the head with a blunt object. She fell to the ground and passed out.

The squad rushed to her side at the hospital. Rafael rushed over as soon as he heard the news. He sat by her bedside praying for her to wake up. She was hooked up to a machine that was breathing for her and the doctor told him that even if she did wake up, her outlook was not good. Everyone wanted to know why. Why would anyone want to hurt their friend?

The squad worked on getting the attacker and they followed leads. It was during an interview with a witness that they learned of the motive: she was attacked because of her marriage to Johnny. The squad worked as hard as they could and after following as many leads as they could: they found their suspect. Rafael held her hand as he told her the good news. "I just wanted to tell you that we found the guy that attacked you and we're going to put him away for life".

Rafael remained in constant contact with Johnny as he updated him on her condition. He wanted to be at the hospital with his wife but he was unable to leave due to shooting a movie over seas. He was furious that someone would attack his wife, the love of his life. The one he promised to love and cherish and honor for the rest of his life. His best friend. "I know. I want to him to spend the rest of his life in prison as much as you do", Rafael told him.

Finally Jayde opened her eyes and she saw Rafael by her side, his hand in hers. It had been two weeks since the attack and nobody expected her to survive. She saw him crying and she squeezed his hand. He looked up and saw that she was awake. He ran out of the room to get a doctor. He and the doctor came into the room and the doctor gasped. "This is a miracle!" Rafael ran back by her and she smiled at him.

Rafael grabbed his phone and called Johnny and Olivia. Johnny broke down crying tears of happiness when he heard the news. The doctors examined her and they all decided that this was a miracle! Olivia ran to the hospital and she found Jayde alive. "The doctors don't think she has any brain damage but they want to do a brain scan just to make sure", Rafael told her. The brain scans showed no signs of any permanent brain damage. Olivia couldn't believe it! The squad heard the good news from their Lieutenant and they all felt relieved.

Rafael remained by her side as she healed. She had no memory of what happened and she became scared once she realized where she was. "What happened? Where's Steven?"
"Steven is with Olivia. Do you remember anything?"
Jayde laid back as she thought. Her head hurt bad. She put her hand on the side of her head to try to stop the pain. "I remember walking to my car and then I blacked out. My head really hurts".
He held her hand. "Jayde, you were attacked by someone who is mad at your husband".
"Why would anyone do that? He..." she sighed realizing. "Because they thought that he's a wife abuser".
Rafael nodded. "Yeah".
"She... she ruined him. No matter what he does, there will always be people who think he got away with it because of who he is". Tears came down her face. "He doesn't deserve any of this. He doesn't deserve to have his wife beaten".
Rafael looked at her and nodded. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to put him away for the rest of his life. I will promise you and Johnny that".

In court, Rafael worked to do whatever he could to get justice for his friends. They did not deserve this, he thought. Why attack an innocent woman who was just walking to her car after a busy day at work, who only wanted to get home to her son. What did she do to deserve being attacked, he argued. She did not know her attacker, she had never met him before that day. Now she was lying in a hospital bed away from her son and husband, two of the people she loved more than anything. Tell me, what did she do to deserve this?

The jury deliberated for two days before coming back with a guilty verdict. The squad cheered. Sonny went straight from the courthouse to the hospital where he told her the good news. Tears of happiness went down her face. Rafael found them and he came over to her bed. "Thank you", she told him as she wiped the tears off her face. "I still don't understand why".
"The why doesn't matter. All that matters is he will never be getting out".
Sonny looked at her. "The doctors want you to stay for a week just to make sure you don't have any brain damage. They did a scan and they didn't find anything, they just want to be safe".

Later that day, Rafael helped her setup her iPad to video chat with Johnny. Once he saw her on the screen, they both started crying. "Johnny, they got him and he's in prison".
"I know, love. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry this happened and that I can't be there".
"It's not your fault, love. It's his. I love you so much!"
"I love you too", he said wiping his face. He saw Rafael and he smiled at him. "Thank you for everything and for being there".
Rafael smiled and nodded. "You're welcome".

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