Chapter 29

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I've found out that as you grow older,
The definition of love changes
Everyone asks me if I've been in love
Yes, I tell them every day
I'm in love with the New York air
The seagulls and the birds
The sound of traffic outside my window
How about true love, I'd die for you love
I tell them twice, one for each child
The I want to be yours forever love
I have found hidden in front of me
The kind of love only heard of in songs
Or seen on the big screen or on tv
The kind of love you wake up to
And that greets you with a kiss
And only a brief goodbye
The kind that kisses away your tears
With a sincere apology
The kind you never want to lose
And you hope you never do
Yes, I am in love, I tell them
And now he walks with me
Until death do us part, forever
He is with me guiding me along the way
His hand in mine, never letting go
This is what love is

Planning a wedding was difficult since Jayde didn't know if she should invite the squad or not. They had already gone to her second wedding with Johnny. She decided to ask Rafael that night. "We could have a small wedding with us, the kids and your mom", she suggested.
He thought about it. "I would like to have them there. They're our friends".
She nodded in agreement. "Alright".

The next day Amanda asked her about the wedding while they were at the break station. "It's going to be small. You all, the kids and his mom, Lucia".
"I can't believe you're getting married to Barba. I mean, no offense".
She laughed. "I get it. I don't think they'll be any rockstars this time".
"I had a great time watching Carisi fangirling, or whatever you called it".
"I'd call it fangirling. But for real, Rafael's not the bad of a person. You just have to dig through layers of sarcasm and bickering to find it".

At home, she was on her iPad trying to find a dress for Kiera. This proved difficult since all the dresses she saw were adorable! Kiera was on the couch with her and pointed to every dress she saw. "Pretty", she said.
Jayde smiled. "They are pretty aren't they?" Kiera nodded.
It was then Rafael came in with his mother. "Cariño, I want you to meet someone".
She picked Kiera up and went over to the door with Steven following close behind.
"Mamá, this is my fiancée Jayde".
"It's nice to finally meet you", Jayde told her as she shook her hand.
"It's nice to meet you, too. And who are these two cuties?"
"This is Steven and Kiera". The five of them went into the living room and they sat down on the couch. Kiera looked at her then played shy.
"They are adorable! Rafi told me you had two kids but I didn't know how adorable they were".
"What your name", Steven asked her.
Lucia smiled at him. "My name is Lucia. I'm your step grandmother".
He nodded.

They spent the rest of the evening talking as the two children played. Kiera screamed after Steven took a toy she wanted. "Steven", Jayde warned him. He gave her a different toy and she started playing with it. Lucia looked at them and asked what they were playing with. "My toys, see", he held up a Superman action figure. The adults laughed. "Yeah. Who is that one?"
"Oh now I remember. Rafi used to love playing with those".
"Mom", Rafael said embarrassed.
Jayde laughed. "Puedo verte haciendo eso, Rafi". She gave him a teasing smile.
Kiera got fussy and rubbed her eyes. Jayde went over to her and picked her up. "She's getting tired".
Kiera shook her head. "No! No tired".
Jayde excused herself to get her daughter ready for bed. Lucia turned to Rafael. "She's gorgeous! I think you picked the right one".
"Thanks, mom", he said while giving her a hug.

Jayde came in after putting Kiera down for the night. She had become overly tired and when she hit her bed and got her stuffed dog, she was out. Jayde turned off the lights then went back out to the living room. "She's asleep. She was so tired".
"Well I better get going. It's almost past my bed time". She got up and gave both Rafael and Jayde a hug.
"Thanks again for coming. Feel free to stop by anytime", Jayde told her. Lucia said one last goodbye then left. Rafael closed the door behind her then went back over to his fiancé. "She really likes you".
"Oh my god, really?"
He nodded.

Today I met the mother of my fiancé and got 100% complete approval! She is such a great person and she did an awesome job of raising Rafael. I'm honored to be her daughter-in-law to be. She got to meet the kids and watch them play on the floor. I don't think Steven understands what a step grandmother is but that's a discussion for a different day. Right now, I'm content with finishing my glass of wine on the couch with Rafael.

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