Chapter 58

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"Sonny, were not naming our son Antonio".
He looked at her. "What, why not? It's the perfect Italian name".
"Because the English version of that name is Anthony".
His eyes got big realizing his mistake. "Ok, we are not naming him Anthony!"
Jayde burst out laughing. He went over to her and gave her a hug. It had been two months since they found out that she was pregnant. They were discussing baby names, even though they had yet to find out the sex. They both wanted a girl.

"Ok, then..." He thought. "We should pick something that is Italian and Spanish for our cultures".
He went to his phone and looked up Italian/Spanish baby names: "I got Danielle or Gabrielle for a girl. Then I got Santana, Cruz or Matteo for a boy".
"Santana could be girl or boy. I do like Gabrielle".
He smiled. "Since we don't know what we're having, let's use Santana".
"Santana Gabrielle or Santana Alessandro".
He put his arm around her then kissed her making her smile.

The next week they were in the doctors office to check on their little miracle. After making sure the baby was developing the way he or she was supposed to, they checked the gender. The nurse put gel on her stomach then ran the handheld Doppler device on her stomach. Sonny looked at the screen in awe. "Wow. That's little Santana in there!"
Jayde laughed making the baby move a little. The nurse moved the device to look for genitalia.
"Can you tell if it's a boy or girl?"
"It's a girl". Jayde put her hand over her mouth.
Sonny continued looking at the screen. "It's a girl!"

Every baby made is a baby loved... even when they are unplanned and unexpected.
Coming soon, Santana Gabrielle Carisi.
To all who are wondering, this is my final baby.

Sonny was walking on air when he got back to the precinct and everyone noticed how giddy he was. Fin and Amanda looked at him and they both laughed at him. "Anything you want to tell us, Carisi", Fin asked him.
He looked at them not knowing what they were talking about. They both continued laughing at him. He smiled as he sat down at his desk. "Uh... Jayde's pregnant", he told them. "We're naming her Santana".
"Congratulations! If you weren't already sitting down, I would tell you to before you hurt yourself", Fin told him laughing.

Olivia came over to them and she asked what was going on with Carisi. Fin told her the good news. She looked at Sonny. "Wow. Congratulations to you and Jayde!"
He smiled. "Thanks!" Olivia walked away shaking her head. Nobody on the squad had seen him this happy and it surprised everyone.
"How's Jayde doing?" Fin turned his chair so he was looking at Sonny.
"She's good. Trying to take it easy for her and the baby".
Fin and Amanda nodded. Rafael walked in and went over to them. "Congratulations Sonny. Santana is a great name". He then went to Olivia's office. Everyone looked at each other.

The next time Jayde was at the precinct, Amanda congratulated her. "Santana is very pretty".
"Thank you. He wanted to name her Antonio if she was going to be a boy but that didn't go over well".
Fin looked at her. "Why's that?"
"Because Antonio is Anthony in English and I'm guessing Carisi doesn't necessarily like Jayde's ex-fiancé", Amanda explained. Jayde laughed to herself.
"Anthony is not a bad name, it's more of the person that has the name that he doesn't like", Jayde said.
Sonny came over and he heard the last part. "You talking about me?"
"Only with love".

In all honesty, Rafael hadn't liked him for the same reason as Sonny: jealousy. He had the woman they loved. After they broke up, Rafael jumped on his chance and he was able to get her before Sonny. Then after she and Anthony ended their engagement, Sonny used this to his advantage as he was there for Jayde and she finally what she had been missing: him.

Their first kiss had been what they waited for. The first time they made love as a couple was special for both of them. They had a friends with benefits relationship when she first started at SVU but their first time as a couple was better. After that moment, they couldn't keep their hands off each other outside of work. They had fallen deeply in love and now they were getting married and were expecting a baby girl.

When he got home, he found her on the couch. He went over to her and kissed her. She smiled. "How are you feeling, doll?"
"Tired. I told my supervisor today and she said that I can work from home when I don't have any appointments".
"That's great!" He bent down and kissed her stomach making her laugh. "She's going to be our multilingual baby".
"English, Spanish and Italian". She laughed again.
"What does Santana want? I could cook up some lasagna!"
She got up. "I think I have Rafael's recipe over here somewhere".
"No, doll! This is authentic Italian lasagna!" She laughed again. "You can't beat real Italian food".

That moment when your fiancée insists on making you and baby authentic Italian lasagna. I swear Sonny has completely taken over the kitchen. Good lord, he's adorable! He's totally into this lasagna, you guys. You all don't even know. #forreal
Update: I am not allowed in the kitchen. This is getting serious.

Jayde's phone went off and she went over to see who was calling her. She smiled and looked at the caller ID. "Hey, Johnny!"
"Hey, doll! How are you doing? I heard there's another baby?"
"Yeah she was a complete surprise!"
"Oh, you're having a girl? Congratulations!"
"Thank you! How have you been?"
"I'm doing great. I was thinking of coming to New York next week. I know it's short notice. I just found out that I have some free time. I'd love to see you and you're fiancé. I'm sorry, I forgot his name".
"His name is Dominick but he wants everyone to call him Sonny. I would love to see you and I know the kids will, too".
He laughed. "The guys miss you. You'll have to call everyone sometime".
"I will definitely. I'm sure they would like to meet Sonny".

She finished her call with Johnny then hung up. "Johnny is coming to New York next week and he wants to meet up".
Sonny nodded. "I'd like to see him again". Jayde found Anthony's phone number in her phone and she hit the call button. The phone rang twice before he answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Anthony, its Jayde!" Sonny looked over at her wondering who she was talking to.
"Jayde! How have you been? It's been a long time!"
"I'm doing great! Did Johnny tell you that I'm getting married?"
"Yes he did! Congratulations. I hope he's the one!"
"He is".
"Are you happy, darling?"
"I am very happy! He's actually making me authentic Italian lasagna".
"He sounds like a keeper and another baby? You're going to have your hands full!"
"I know, for real. Thankfully two the kids are older so they're not really home and both RJ and Lucia are easy to take care of".

"Well, darling, we miss you! We'll have to get together next time we're in New York!"
"That would be awesome! We would love to see you guys!"
"And your newest addition. Do you know what you're having?"
"We just found out we're having a little girl. Her name is going to be Santana Gabrielle Carisi".
"That's beautiful".
"Thank you. We decided to use a gender neutral name and Santana Gabrielle are the same in Spanish and Italian".
"Oh, that's cool. I'm excited to meet her. Well, darling we have to go do our sound check. It was great talking to you! I'll tell everyone you say hi!"

"Ok, doll. Lasagna is ready!" Jayde went to the kitchen. "It smells delicious!" He scooped some of it on a plate then handed it to her. "Thank you!" He watched her as he waited for her reaction. "Do you like it?" She took a bite . "I love it!"
He smiled. "Good! Only the best for you and Santana".
"Well I'm honored". He laughed.

Update 2: the lasagna has been made and it is delicious! I'm definitely keeping him around.

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