Chapter 32

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Three months and one pink plus sign. It was a Saturday morning and the kids were at Johnny's for a couple weeks. She knew immediately that something was different. Rafael was already awake and in the living room when he saw a figure race to the bathroom. He moved his head and he heard someone throw up. He hated the sound but he immediately got worried. He knocked on the door and he heard the water running from the faucet. "Are you ok, Cariño?"
The door opened. "I don't know". She came out. Her mind was racing. "Oh shit".
He looked at her. "What's wrong?"
"I'm late again. I think I'm pregnant".
His jaw dropped. He gave her a smile. "You... you're pregnant?"

After breakfast, she went to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. She brought it home and Rafael waited outside anxiously. He got up as she came out with a smile on her face. She didn't have to say anything, he knew by looking at her. He bent down and kissed her stomach.
"We're pregnant", he said happily. He got up and kissed her. They made a plan to schedule a doctors appointment the first thing Monday morning.

That Monday, they were in the waiting room. He was nervous and she took his hand to reassure him. They waited for what seemed like forever but when they heard Jayde's name, they followed the nurse to a room. After doing a check up, the nurse did a sonogram. Tears of happiness filled Jayde. "Hi there, buddy", she said. Rafael looked at their little baby in awe.

Olivia noticed that something was different when Rafael walked into the precinct. She pulled him aside and they went into her office. "Jayde's pregnant", he blurted out.
Her jaw dropped. She put her hands up. "Slow down". She was in shock because she had never seen him so happy.
He took a deep breath. "Sorry. Jayde's pregnant and I'm going to be a dad".
"Wow! Congratulations. I've got to say, I've never seen you so happy and you kind of threw me off". He smirked and shrugged. "We just went to the doctor so we're both excited".

"Amor, the baby is the size of a bean. We have plenty of time to figure everything out", Jayde said laughing.
He smirked. "I know". He kissed her cheek.
"So... since we're telling everyone –"
"You want to put it on your blog". She nodded. "Ok". He kissed her again.


Amanda saw the announcement and she laughed at it. Fin and Sonny came over to see what she was looking at. Fin shook his head. "That's why Barba was all over the place", he said laughing. Anthony saw the announcement and smiled. He shot her a message on her Tumblr.

Just read your announcement. Congratulations on baby Ramba. I bet Steven and Kiera are excited! – Anthony

Thank you! They're still at their dad's so we're going to tell them when the come home. – Jayde

Congratulations to you and Rafael! I bet he's excited! I can't wait to meet the newest member of the Ramirez/Barba family. – Johnny

Thank you! We really appreciate it! I've been meaning to talk to the guys. I've been busy with the new job. – Jayde

They understand. I'll have them send you a text and I'll tell them you say hi! – Johnny

Thank you. I miss them so much. For real. Maybe you can help Rafael for dealing with a pregnant woman jk. – Jayde

Hey, heard your having another baby! Congratulations from me, Steven and Anthony! We miss you and we can't wait to see you again! You deserve all the happiness in the world. Never forget that! We love you and hope to hear from you soon! – Vincent

Jayde read all the celebratory texts to Rafael as they laid on their bed. He smiled and kissed her stomach. "You have a lot of friends, Jayde".
"I know". She smiled. "But only one Rafi. Do you want a boy or girl? Honestly".
He smiled. "A girl that's as perfect as you".
"This is why I'm marrying you. Did you tell your mom?"
"Yeah. She's excited and hoping for a girl".
Jayde laughed. "How about, if it's a girl, we name her Lucia". Rafael was so happy he wrapped his arms around her waist.
She laughed. "What about a boy's name? Just in case".
He thought. "Rafael Eduardo Barba Jr".
She thought. "I love it". He kissed her.

Thank you to everyone for their kind messages. Baby Ramba has a lot of friends and he or she is very lucky.

"You find the truth in a child's eyes when the only limit is the sky. Living proof, I see myself in you" – Backstreet Boys

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