Chapter 34

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I totally think Kiera is going to become a lawyer like her stepfather. She is literally arguing with Rafael about having another Popsicle. I don't think he's ever had to cross examine a toddler. I'm waiting for him to call witnesses. I seriously think she's winning this kitchen court battle. I'll keep you all updated.
Update: Kiera has won the battle and has her beloved Popsicle.

Amanda read Jayde's latest blog entry and she laughed to herself. She thought of Barba arguing with a toddler over a Popsicle. Jayde looked over at Rafael who came back to the couch defeated. "It was a good try, counselor". He came over to her and kissed her. "I was waiting for you to call witnesses and everything".
He laughed. "I never thought I'd have a court battle in the kitchen". He put his arm around her shoulder.
Jayde smiled. "She'd make a good lawyer in about 20 years".
"Kiera Depp, the newest ADA of Manhattan".
"Now you're getting ahead of yourself". She snuggled into his shoulder. He leaned over and kissed her again.

Jayde looked at her engagement ring. It showed brightly in the light. Rafael looked at the ring. He wanted to marry her and spend the rest of his life with her. They had started making plans but they got sidetracked with her pregnancy. Now they had three kids 3 years and under. Later after putting Kiera and Steven to bed, he thought about the wedding. They were lying on their bed and he turned towards her.

"So the wedding..."
"Shit. You're right. We got busy with my new job and the baby that I guess we got busy".
He smiled. "I would marry you tomorrow". He kissed her.
"I would definitely marry you tomorrow. How about this weekend", she said half joking.
He thought about it and he gave her a look. "How about a courthouse wedding with the kids and my mom next month".
"Alright. Nothing too fancy. For real. I just wore one of my own dresses to my first wedding. I don't need anything fancy or expensive".

The next day during work, Rafael called his mom about the wedding. After talking with her while simultaneously texting Jayde, they settled on a date. Now she needed to pick out outfits for the kids. They decided to let the kids pick their own outfits. Kiera wanted to wear her princess dress that Johnny had got her and Steven wanted to wear whatever Rafael was wearing.

Although they said they were only having his mom and the kids, they decided to invite the squad since they were their friends. On the day of the wedding, Rafael had on one of his suits and Steven had a miniature version, Kiera was wearing her princess dress, RJ was in a suit, and Jayde had on a wedding gown. They all looked completely different from each other, but they didn't care.
Sonny and Fin helped Rafael, RJ and Steven get ready while Amanda, Olivia and Lucia helped Jayde and Kiera get dressed. "Pretty, mommy", Kiera said.
Lucia smiled. "Te ves hermosa, querida". Jayde kissed her cheek. The women then went into the hallway and waited for the doors to open. Finally Sonny and Fin opened the doors and Jayde walked in with Kiera holding her hand. Rafael looked at his bride and tears of happiness came down his face. Amanda, Olivia and Lucia came in behind her as did Sonny and Fin.

Everyone watched as Jayde and Rafael exchanged vows. Their was not a dry eye in the room. "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace". RJ started crying and everyone laughed as Olivia went over to him and held him. "Alright then, do you Rafael Eduardo Barba take Jayde Lucy Ramirez to be your lawful wedded wife?"
"I do".
"Do you Jayde Lucy Ramirez take Rafael Eduardo Barba to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Can I have the rings?"
Sonny reached in his pocket and pulled out two rings then gave them to the judge. She gave both Jayde and Rafael a ring. Jayde slipped Rafael's ring on his finger then Rafael did the same.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". Rafael went over to Jayde and kissed his wife happily.

The reception was held at their apartment and Jayde got changed with help from Olivia, Amanda, Lucia and Kiera. They all came out with Jayde dressed in a more casual dress. "Congratulations", Fin told her. Sonny gave her a hug. They then started eating the food Lucia had brought over. Jayde was starving and she dug in. This was definitely a wedding she would remember forever.

That night after everyone had left, Rafael kissed her. "I love you, Mrs. Barba".
"I love you, too Mr. Barba!"

Thank you to Olivia, Lucia, Sonny, Amanda and Fin for making our wedding a success! Rafael and I got married today and we couldn't be happier. "Measure your life in love".

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