Chapter 1- How Didn't We See It?

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  "And I'm Junior's mother" Molly screamed at Irina's face. The model's eyes went wide as the room full of people gasped in shock. Cristiano closed his eyes tightly as one by one Pepe, Nagore, Anderia, Sergio, Iker, Fabio and Xabi's eyes went wide at the words Molly had just screamed. But Molly was already out of the room before anyone could attempt to form any words. The fear for her son outweighing the ramifications of her words.

"Molly is...Junior's...mother" Sergio stammered in disbelief as he looked towards Cristiano. "Is it true?" Fabio asked as Cristiano stood frozen to the spot. His son was gravely ill and everybody knew the truth. "Answer him" Irina yelled storming to her boyfriend. "You heard what Molly said" Ana said and Cristiano opened his eyes to find all eyes on him.

"You brought that slut in here" Irina said smacking her hands at Cristiano's chest. "You bastard. You said his mother wouldn't be part of his life and instead you move her in with you" Irina yelled as her fists continued to rain down on Cristiano's chest. "Stop it Irina" Jorge said pulling her away from his friend. "We haven't got time for this. Cristiano needs to get to the hospital" Jorge said. "I need to go to my son" Cristiano eventually spoke. "Well he apparently has his mother with him" Irina shouted in angry and embarrassment that she hadn't known the truth.

"How didn't we see it?" Sergio asked shaking his head. "The way she is with him" Anderia said still in shock. "Why didn't she tell us?" Nagore asked. "It wasn't part of the plan. Was it Ronado?" Ana snapped as she came back into the room with her heels in her hands. "We need to go to the hospital" Jorge said. "Pepe go get the car" Ana said. "I need to tell Maé" Cristiano said as imagines of his son in his arms moments ago run through his head.

"I tell them all when we get to the hospital Cris" Jorge said placing his hand on his friend's shoulder knowing how scared he had to be. "Junior will be ok Cris" Pepe said in an attempt to comfort his friend while also now realizing what he was missing all along. What was about complicated according to his girlfriend.

"Pepe" Ana said. "I'll get the car and drive you" Pepe said. "Are you ok to drive?" Jorge asked knowing they had been drinking. "He's ok to drive me to Molly. She's the one who needs out support. You can take him" Ana snapped. "Ana" Pepe said. "The car now" she said and he moved to walk to the door. "I told you it would all end badly. I just hope for Molly's sake it isn't what everyone is picturing right now" Ana snapped as she stormed out in front of Pepe.

Cristiano didn't need to ask what everyone was picturing in their minds right now. He knew what they were picturing. It was the same thing he was picturing since the moment he saw Molly cradling in son in her arms on the stairs. The badly being Junior dying. "Oh God" Cristiano said suddenly feeling weak. "Cris it's going to be ok. Junior is gone to the best possible place" Jorge said holding his friend up. "Jorge is right Cris. Junior is where he needs to be right now" Fabio said. "What if?........" Cristiano whispered.

"Cristiano you need to stay strong right now. People are going to need you to be the strong one" Iker said. "Iker is right. Take a deep breath and then let's get to the car. You need to be strong to deal with whatever lies ahead" Jorge said knowing that the night could end like everyone feared. They all witnessed it with their own eyes how sick Junior was. Molly had yet to realise that she told her secret to everyone. She was going to need support.

"We need to go" Cristiano said needing to be with his son. "We need to talk" Irina said angrily. "Not now Irina" Cristiano said. "Cristiano" she snapped. "I'm going to the hospital to be with my son. You can either support me when I need you like my girlfriend should or you can stay here. Either way I'm going" Cristiano snapped and grabbed his phone and rushed to his front door. Irina moved her neck from side to side and stood straighter. "I'm sorry to end our evening so abruptly but if you'll excuse us" she smiled and followed Jorge after Cristiano.

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